Stuck With You

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Hi and welcome to poorly written garbage. Don't ask me where this idea came from because I have no clue. It's entirely too late for this garbage but oh hecin well.


   Tigress rushed with Black Sheep through the halls, bristling in annoyance. "Why are we doing this again?" She asked. The blonde thief rolled her eyes as Black Sheep shushed her. The crimson-haired girl fought to control her gleeful grin. Tigress could still hear Crackle loudly counting down a few halls away. 

   "We are too goddamn old to play hide and seek." The young woman griped. Black Sheep gave her an incredulous look.

   "Are you kidding me? You're never too old for hide and seek!" Tigress never thought she'd see someone offended over hide in seek. You learn something new everyday. "Are you telling me you don't like hide and seek?" Black Sheep asked. 

   "I never really played it when I was a kid," the older girl said with a shrug. The absolutely distraught look on her rival's face was both baffling and amusing. She decided to poke the bear a bit more. "It's kinda boring."

   "I'll have you know that hide and seek is one of the most intense games in the world," Black Sheep insisted. She briefly gestured to the building around them before continuing. To run. "And this is the best place to play it."

   "Who the hell actually played with you?" Tigress scoffed. "The rest of the people here aren't preschoolers."

   Black Sheep gave her a sharp glare. "A lot of the initiates did," she snapped. Tigress felt a flash of pride as her rival flared up. "Coach Brunt did too, whenever she had the time. They liked hanging out with me."

   "Ha!" Tigress laughed, "so you were the class pet then?" She smirked as Black Sheep stared daggers into her head. "You were the cute and useless distraction between classes."

   "First of all, fuck you." Black Sheep said bluntly. "Second of all, what is your problem with younger people? Get a new joke set for me." Before Tigress could object, the younger thief continued with, "Third of all, you called me cute, albeit indirectly. Thanks." She gave Tigress a smug look as the older girl stuttered, her face rose pink. 

   Before anything else could be said, Black Sheep slid to a stop in front of a door, yanking it open. Crackle was definitely almost done counting by now. The younger thief grabbed Tigress and shoved her through the door, pulling it shut behind them. She'd brought them to a storage closet. It was oddly roomy, with shelves and supplies galore. Both of them tried not to bump into anything. Crackle's muffled, "Ready or not, here I come!" managed to reach their ears. The game was on.

   The two stood in silence for several minutes. Both of their hearts were pumped with adrenaline and anxiety, as much as Tigress hated to admit it. She'd somewhat forgotten about her disdain for the game. It was nice to enjoy something harmless. However, the peace and quiet lasted all of eight minutes before Black Sheep broke it.

   "I never knew you could blush that much Kitty Cat," the young thief teased. She grinned back at Tigress's death glare. "It's kinda cute honestly. That's not something I thought I'd ever say."  She ducked as her rival lashed out, giggling uncontrollably. 

   Tigress rolled her eyes. God she's a brat. "Listen runt," she hissed, "if you keep messing with me, I'm gonna rearrange your pretty little face." Far from looking threatened, Black Sheep burst out laughing. She covered her mouth with her hands to muffle the noise. It was only then that Tigress realized her mistake. She was seething as she stepped forward. "You little rat!" She snarled, her face flushed. Though Black Sheep's eyes glimmered in amusement, she was only half listening. She seemed unfocused, her head tilted towards the door. If anything, her lack of interest upset Tigress more.

   "I swear, I'm gonna- mmph!" The blonde thief was cut off by Black Sheep, who's hand had been slapped over her mouth. Tigress glared down at her rival with a burning gaze. The smaller girl stared up at her with wide eyes, a finger placed over her lips. Footsteps padded up to the door. They stopped, waited, and then finally walked away. Tigress finally realized how much her heart had been pounding. She'd  been caught up in the game.

   Black Sheep breathed a sigh of relief. They hadn't been caught. She began to relax, turning to apologize to Tigress. Then the older girl bit down on her fingers.

   The shorter thief bit back a screech, a shrill squeal leaving her instead. She yanked her hand away and clutched it to her chest. Tigress crossed her arms, looking peeved. 

   "What the fuck Sheena?!" She whisper-shouted. "That hurt!"

   "Maybe don't slap my face next time!" Tigress hissed. 

   "I'm sorry!" Black Sheep snapped. "I didn't mean to! I didn't realize I'd hit you that hard." She glanced up at Tigress apologetically. "I should've warned you. I'm sorry," she repeated. 

   Tigress felt her heart wrench. The younger thief sounded so genuine, which was absolutely infuriating. She didn't want to feel bad about hurting her, but she did. "Just- ugh. It's not your fault," Tigress muttered. "Sorry. I shouldn't have... bit you."

   "Yeah you shouldn't have you weirdo." Black Sheep huffed. Her rival stiffened before realizing  the young thief was joking. Her grey eyes danced with laughter, a faint smile playing across her lips. 

   Tigress sighed. "That was weird wasn't it?" She said self-consciously.

   "Eh, it was self defense. You were in the right. However,"  Black Sheep smirked at the older thief, "you should've protected the face first."

   "Oh ha ha," Tigress said with an eye roll. Black Sheep gave a quiet laugh, leaning back against one of the shelves. The sound was soft, light, and yet somehow as energetic as always. It was disgustingly irresistible. The blonde girl couldn't keep from making a move.

   "But you said it yourself lambkins," Tigress said, stepping forward. Her rival gave her a curious look. "If you'd just warned me, then this wouldn't have happened." She stepped forward again, drawing closer to Black Sheep. The younger thief's eyes widened. She seemed surprised, maybe nervous. Tigress couldn't help but feel proud of that. Black Sheep was hard to break. 

   Tigress leaned forward, a smirk on her face. "Isn't that right, Black Sheep?" The younger girl couldn't stop the blush rushing across her face. Her cheeks flushed scarlet, and Tigress felt a burst of pride. "Ha," she reached over gently tapped her rival's nose, "I got you back. Sweet revenge." 

   Black Sheep screwed up her face, blushing even more. God she was adorable. She opened and closed her mouth, unable to speak. Tigress chuckled. "Aww, what's wrong? Cat got your tongue?"

   The crimson haired girl glared up at her. "You are the worst. You're such a-"

   "Aha! We've found you!" The two girls froze as light flooded into the storage closet. Le Chèvre and Crackle stood in the doorway, triumphant looks on thief faces. "You two really- uhm." The French boy blinked at both of them, finally processing the scene. A pair of pink and red faces stared back at him, flushed in embarrassment. 

   "Oh I'm sorry, are we interrupting something?" Crackle asked with a smug smile. 

   "No! No you're not interrupting anything-"

   "Ugh, I don't have time for this shit." Tigress growled, interrupting Black Sheep's stammering. She shoved her way past her teammates. "I'll be outside, don't come and bother me." And just like that, she was gone. The sound of her footsteps dying off as she stalked away.

   "Uuhhh, I'll be back." Le Chèvre said, quickly turning to leave. "I must find El Topo." He scurried off, excited to find his friend and share this new update.

   Black Sheep walked out of the closet, giving Crackle an embarrassed smile. He returned it. "What the hell happened?" He asked, utterly bemused.

   "Well.... I honestly don't know." Black Sheep shook her head. "I don't know." She glanced over at her friend. "I can't think straight at the moment."

   "Ah," Crackle chuckled, "Tigress is a tricky one. She's prickly and meaner than an adder, but she has a way of getting right in your head."

   "Yeah," Black Sheep sighed wistfully. "She does."

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