Scared To Lose Myself

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  Tigress opened her eyes to a world of silence. Grass and flowers swayed around her waist, rustling in the wind. The sky was an ocean of blue, with fluffy clouds sailing across it. The whole scene was calming, serene. A welcome respite from the grueling training on Vile Island. She could allow herself to relax. The young woman sighed, brushing her claws across the shifting grass.

After a few minutes, the patter of footsteps weaved through the brush, startling the thief. She fixed her gaze on a moving patch of grass. It got closer, and closer, and closer, until finally...

"What the..." Tigress muttered. She stared down at the creature in bewilderment. It was a tiny sheep, staring up at her with wide grey eyes. The ball of fuzz greeted her with an adorable bleat.

"Well, hey there," the blonde girl said. She reached down to pat the sheep on the head. It was soft, the dark curls clinging to her fingers. The little creature affectionately rubbed back against her hand. Cute. "Wait a second," Tigress pulled her hand back. The ewe gave her an annoyed bleat.

This sheep was black, a black sheep. "Oh god," Tigress groaned. "Can't you give me a break? I already deal with you enough when I'm apparently not hallucinating." She glared down at the animal as it bleated again. The little sheep then playfully butted her head against Tigress's legs. The thief eventually had to shove her away.

"Baa!" She bleated angrily, puffing out her chest. The ewe glared at Tigress as the young woman crossed her arms. She stuck her tongue out at the thief before bounding back into the grass.

Tigress rolled her eyes. "Ugh, she's still a child, even here. Still annoying too." And yet she had to admit, she already missed the fluffball. The blonde thief scowled at the thought. She hated missing Black Sheep; what was there to miss? She was obnoxious, immature, a prankster, kinda funny, smart, beautiful...

"Baaa!" Tigress jumped, startled. The little ewe had returned, a lily lying at her hooves. She plucked it off the ground and presented it to Tigress, bouncing excitedly. It was absolutely adorable. She sure as hell couldn't refuse the flower now.

"Thanks," the young woman chuckled, gently taking the flower. Looking down at the dark ewe's expectant gaze, she added, "it's very pretty." The little sheep nodded, seeming proud of herself. Tigress gave her a scratch behind the ear, earning a happy bleat.

Suddenly, she felt weight brush past her hand as the ewe's ears stood upright. The little animal stared into the brush, her body tense. Tigress spun around immediately, baring her claws. "Who's there?" She demanded. Getting no response, the thief cautiously crept forward, her eyes scanning the grass. The sheep was eerily silent behind her.

Tigress froze as her gaze locked with another; a set of familiar green eyes piercing through the undergrowth. They were the last thing she saw before she was thrown onto her back.

The young thief had the wind knocked out of her. She fought for breath as a deafening roar tore through the air. Tigress shakily propped herself up on her elbows. Panic gripped her heart as a terrified shriek met her ears. As her eyes focused, she took in the scene.

A lithe, velvet green tigress was tussling with the sheep. She had ragged orange stripes that spread like flames across her body. The ewe's eyes were wide with panic. Her hooves scrabbled against the ground as she tried to avoid death. A clawed paw whisked past the sheep's throat, missing it by a hair. The little animal bolted through the grass, the big cat on its heels.

"Wait, stop!" Tigress yowled, a rush of adrenaline coursing through her. She staggered to her feet and took off after them. The young woman's heartbeat thudded in time with her footsteps. She had to catch up with them, she had to.

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