He Cares(Rhys x Pierce)

Start from the beginning

Eventually, this stopped after the fifth or sixth time Leif did it, for one reason.

A fight broke out.

However, it wasn't between Pierce and Leif, Pierce hadn't picked up on the idea that Leif was doing this on purpose because of the stress he was going under, instead, it was a fight between Asch and Leif. And so, out of Asch's growing aggravation of listening to music and Leif's growing desire to not let anyone get the chance to impress her started it, and would end it too.

And so Pierce tried to step between the two of them, to stop the fight but only failed to once he was pushed in the crowd. Soon enough Ava had to step in.

"Ava no, you'll get hurt!" Noi pleaded clinging to Ava's arm while Rhys disappeared somewhere else. Ava pushed past Noi and stood between the two, her hands outstretched stood between the two of them. "Both of you, stop right now before we go back to the apartment," Ava huffed, Asch shot Leif a glare which Leif sent back in return before unclenching their fists and turning away from each other, a stubborn look on their faces. 

Noi walked to Ava's side, a worried look on his face, this wasn't the exact outcome she wanted or desired but it's the one she got. Ava looked around, something about the situation feeling strangely off, something was missing and it came to her attention that something was missing, but in fact, two Daemos were missing instead. 

Rhys and Pierce. "Uhhh, guys? Do you guys know where Rhys and Pierce are?" Ava asked aloud, not wondering about the consequence of asking the question out loud. "What did you just say?" Asch angrily asked. "Did you lose them?" Asch's tone was sharp, however, Ava stayed quiet. But soon, she slowly nodded, now they had to put off the fun day at the festival so they could go find the other two Daemos, this wasn't a good start to the festival.

. . . A moment earlier . . .

A fight was not what as needed at this festival, they were trying to have fun and enjoy this, let Ava be able to enjoy this and she wouldn't be able to do it now with the fight. Rhys looked around making sure no one was watching, barely any of the humans bothered to watch, the music being more entertaining to listen to, good. But as he surveyed the area he noticed something, Pierce had disappeared into the crowd, and panic set in, the others hadn't noticed but he did and now, Rhys had to set out after him. 

He had to make sure nothing happened.

Pierce had begun to make his way through the crowd, the music blaring in the background as his only thought was to escape the crowd and the fight, to get somewhere safe. He knew what was going on with him, he was having a sensory overload and he was trying to fix it by escaping it all.

Eventually, he managed to get out of the crowd and started to run, Rhys following close behind him, he had no idea what he was doing, where any of this running was gonna take it just the fact that the noise was making everything worse and he needed to get away from it all. He knew Rhys was chasing after him, he knew it damn well, and he could hear him shouting after him to stop but he didn't listen, he wouldn't listen until he was somewhere safe.

As Rhys followed panic started to build up in his mind, he wasn't sure where he was going but he wasn't happy that he had no idea, he was supposed to know these things; so he followed close behind him.

And so, after all that chasing Rhys noticed a familiar area he was heading towards; the Fall Festival exit. He kept up in speed, trailing not so far behind Pierce until he started to slow down once he left the festival, Rhys, of course, followed him in suite; he had to make sure nothing happened and he came back okay. Once he left, following close behind him he watched him turn the corner and then into an alleyway, and Rhys peered around the corner to see him sitting with his back against the wall, a conflicted and panicked look on his face.

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