Part 1

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Are you trying to mock me?!

Somehow, I can still hear my boyfriend's question somewhere at the back of my head even though he had hung up the phone a while ago. I swear he was practically screaming at the phone, and it was all because of me.

I'm not one of the brightest crayons in the box. My academic scores are nothing when compared to my boyfriend's. Maybe this is the reason I keep on making foolish mistakes like I did today. He permitted me to go on a shopping spree with Jess, a friend from school, but it turned out that Jess was inviting her other friends as well. A girl and a boy, and I didn't bother telling my boyfriend about them whenever he called to check up on me. This is so wrong on so many levels, I know it. No wonder he became so angry when he finally found out.

He always makes it clear that he expects me not to cheat, lie or hide even the smallest thing from him, but yet again I did it. I did withhold the information which apparently is a sensitive matter for him. I should've never done that, but what could I do? I know it's already hard enough for him to let me leave his side even just for a few hours, and the last thing he needed was another threat to ignite his jealousy.

Now that he has found out, I can only feel regret hammering in my chest, it's suffocating and it's eating at me. All I wish for right now is to get to his house as fast as possible and see him. I need to hold his hands, hug him, and reassure him that I really love him, that I'm still his and his only.

"Ben, can you drive a little faster?" I clumsily ask the blonde-haired boy beside me who is currently holding the steering wheel. He doesn't give me a verbal answer, and merely frowns at me before he increases the speed of the vehicle.

"Louis, are you alright?" Jess questions with an obvious tone of worry. I don't need to see her face just to prove that she's worried. Of course, anyone would be worried if I went silent for a few minutes after a phone call and then abruptly asked to speed up a while later.

"Yes, I'm fine, Jess." I'm not lying, really. I feel alright. I just miss my boyfriend and I need to see him. "William wants me to arrive as soon as possible."

"You seem... scared of him," Ben tests a comment. He glances at me before pulling his attention back on the road.

"What? No," I'm baffled by his comment, "Why would I be scared? He is my boyfriend."

"Nothing, I just thought you want us to hurry because he might get angry if you're late." Ben adds.

"Late for what? We don't have any plans for today. I just miss him, that's all." I explain.

I don't understand how they could even think like that. Thinking that William is somewhat scary just from my simple request to speed up. Contrary to what they believe, I'm not scared of William, even when he is furious or in a foul mood. I love him too much. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

I barely remember having a life before I met him. It was like a hell hole. Being bullied and hurt every single day was so painful and humiliating. No one wanted to be around me, even for a school project, because they were afraid of being targeted as well. If not for William, I would have never experienced the luxury of hanging out with friends like today. Shopping together with Jess or simply having lunch with other friends at the school cafeteria.

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