Chapter five

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Hey guys I you are reading this on your iPad of computer, sorry about all the short chapters. I didn't realize how short they were

Jackson POV
Who made him my dad? I know I should be thankful that he saved me from those baster, but he is too bossy. He'll be sorry when he found out that I was royal.I was fantasizing about his reaction when I make him apologize to me when he cut me from my thoughts.

"We are here 'your highness'." he said. with out realizing it I was outside of my gate.

"Wait, what? How do you know who I was.Father sent you to get me did he not."As soon as those words came out I realize he was the butler my parents got for me. Now that I look at it everything makes since now, him being do skill, and knowing my identity.
"Oh damn your the new butler" I sighed.

"My name is Kyle, and sadly for you that would be your last drink. from this day on I'll be I charge." He said.

Whatever I make his time he a living hell. before I could tell him that my sister came to open the gate. she put in the password with out saying anything. once the gate was opened she gave me a disappointed look and a good luck look. I imagined the alpha was piss at me as usual.

It seem that Kyle got the memo as well because he said "come on, let get this over with." And walked toward the front door.

At that second I felt the need to test him cause if he's going to be my butler he better be good. so I raced pasted him. I looked back smiling, expecting him to be amazed by my extra fast speed, but instead all I saw was my sister standing their staring past me mouth open. when I looked ahead of me I knew why. Kyle had already gotten to the front door which was half a mile away from the door waiting. Damn I have to admit he's good but I would die before I tell him that.

When I reached him, I gave him my death glare.

"So, did I pass the test?" He asked with a smirk on his face.
Damn he sure has a way of knowing things.

"Fuck you" I replayed
He opened his mouth to say something but before he could the door flew opened and a very pissed alpha and luna who also happens to be my father and mother stepped out into the open.

"Jackson damn John fucken Christopher."he yelled at me clearly pissed.

"Yup that my name except without the damn and fucken." I said in a i don't care look. Kyle gave me a very disapproving look. for some reason I felt bad like.... what I did was shameful. my wolf started whining it was like he wanted to say sorry of something. I must be really drunk to feel like this. I thought to myself.

"I'm so sorry alpha Christ Christopher but I'm afraid the delay wasn't entirely his fault, you see." Kyle said taking me by surprise. "after you had informed me that your son was missing I went to search for him myself, but when I got to him, he was pinned up against the wall by 3 rouge wolfs. I suppose it his pride that kept him from calling for help."
He lied, I've got to say he sure is one good lier cause he know it sure as hell was my fault.

My parents believed hims with out questioning him or hesitation.

"Who the hell dares to touch my son!" My mother said.

"There is no need to worry Annie I have taken care if those scums." Kyle lied once again. then my parents endlessly praised him. Before leaving us to go inside.

"Dinner will be served in an hour."
My mom said before leaving us.
When they were finally out of earshot. I turn to Kyle.

"Well, t-t-thanks for helpings I guess." I said it felt very unnatural coming out of my mouth.

"I just said it to make me sound badass, but you totally owe me."
He said. "How far is it from here to the gate?" Kyle asked me as he turn around toward the gate holding a hand up to shield his eyes, and looked into the direction of the gate as if he was trying to see the gate from here.

"Uh, it about half a mile. why?" I asked totally confused. is he a confusing man or is it just me cause it seem like I've been confused a lot since he got here.

"Well I want you too sprint down to the gate and back 20 times in 40 minutes." he said. I stood there for a few minutes kinda hoping that he was joking but his face was completely serious. "What are you waiting for?! Are you waiting for moon to grow roses or cows?! Take off running. NOW! Your time is ticking." he yelled looking almost as pissed as my dad was. And I took off like my tail was on fire.

Hello what's all my lovely readers.
I feel like my book is going be really slow. I know I haven't been updating a lot, I'm just have a lot of homework cause my teacher are trying to get us ready for the semester tests and stuff all next week but bare with my ill start updating more recently. And Kyle and Jackson are going to move along pretty quickly too. (hopefully)************************************************************************VOTE ******************COMMENT *****************SHARE
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