Chapter one

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I walked into the open weight and saw my new soldier all were already warming up. I smiled at them approvingly as I walked over to my assistant trainer Matt who is also my best friend although he is only about two years older than me he is a lot more mature. When he saw me he blew the whistle signaling for the boy to gather around us to wait for instruction on today's practice. "Ok, boys I want you guys to run 80 laps around the school training ground outside (which was 2 miles in all direction) in 30 minutes, understood, yes? Now go." I said. I heard a few groans from them before they started off run. While they ran I took attendance as the went by me.

"Hey Kyle where are you going after training?" Matt asked

"Home. I'm too tired to go out tonight." I replied bothering to look up from the attendance sheet in my hand.

" Can I come over to your place tonight? I'll bring dinner."he offered cheerfully.

"Sure, why not." I said rolling my eyes, cause even if I say no he'll still come over anyways, and who could pass up on free dinner? not me.

For the rest of training i practice basic moves with the sword.

After training was over. I headed home, and as I parked my car in the garage, and stepped out I saw a handsome muscular boy with golden skin, and deep blue eyes that were barely visible behind his black silky bangs standing up on a tree branch. But as soon as I saw him he disappeared into the wood. I stared after him completely under the spell of his gorgeous body as in appropriate images came into my mind. Wait was I really just now think about him like that what the world is happening this is so not me. I am completely 100% straight! I thought as I walked into my house trying to forget all about what had just now happen. NOTHING!

As soon as I went inside my front door clicked open. I knew Matt came in because he was the only one with a spare key to my house. I sat my bag down on the ground and ran to the door with a huge grin on my face yelling "FOOD!"

"Well nice to see you too Kyle." He said as I quickly took the pizza from his hand and opened it up. I grabbed two slices and stuffed them down my throat before I sat them down on the table. ""Why you welcome."Matt said rolling his eye although I didn't say thank you. I smiled at him with a mouth full of pizza. "Trank eru " I said. he just smiled and shocked his head. yeah I'm weird. After we got done eating we went out side In front of my house to play basketball for about 2 hours before he had to leave."bye Matt I enjoyed the pizza." I said. he just schooled his head at me, smiled and droves off in his car. I went in. took a shower and went to bed with a mind free of worries.

The next morning when I got to school I couldn't find Matt any where as I went to my class room. Matt normally would hop out from behind my car or something to scare me, but today I was surprised that he wasn't there and also worried. As I got ready for the students to come in for literature. The principal called me up to his office. what could he possibly want from me? Nothing probably good. I thought worryingly.

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