Chapter three

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Author : hi I'm try to update as fast as I can but I kinda need some feedback on my story. So please help me out. ;)

Jackson POV

As soon as I was sure that no one could catch my scent as royal. I immediately pulled out my phone and called out my friends.

Blake answered on the first ring. "So your finally out of that fucken hell hole of your. You want to hang at the "Beast"?" he asked. Beast was the most famous and best night club to got to if you want action and hot chicks. "See you there in ten minutes don't be late." I replied and hung up.

Ethan's car pulled up just as I got there ,and from the look of it Cris and Tauren are both in there as well.

"Hey sup jack what's up." Cris greeted as they all stepped out of the car.

"Not much." I answered. After a few small care free conversations we when into the club to party till we get thrown out.

But after only about 2 hours of partying. I checked my cellphone and found out I had about 20 miss calls and 60 messages from my parents. I decided to call them back before they sent out a search party for me.

They answered on the first ring. "Jackson John Christopher, you are a a world of trouble get your ass back here NOW!" my father scream through the phone. I had to hold it an arm length and my ears still hurts. "Sure" I answer as I rolled my eyes and hung up the phone.

After a quick good bye I walk out the club. The street were crowded of people you could hardly get by so I quickly walked into the dark ally and decided to take my sweet time walking the long way home. But when I got half way there I heard some foot steps behind me and a hand out of no where grabbed me from behind and thrusted me against the wall, and held me there by my wrist dangling off the ground. A huge guy with a tattooed face and a mouth smelled of cigarets looked at me with a smirk his face and said "Well, well look what a cute little thing we've got here." Then two more guy looking just as evil as the first came up behind him.

I tried forcing my way free but because I was drinking I was too weak. He laughed "You can't gat away from me" he said. As he tried to pull my pants off with his other hand. I suddenly realized what he was going to do. I tried harder to break free.

Then out of nowhere someone said "get your hands off him!"

Love is not to hide (boyxboy)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang