Riya: your right maji but Mohini is out of town as for now and she will be back soon,  don't worry about anything Mohini is a good woman and she will never stand against sheetel's happiness and as of her not being family, well maji she is like a sister to me and she had supported me and my husband when things were not well in our lives.

Subhedra: well we can wait .

Divyani: dev I think we should leave now and sheetel beta do visit us sometimes

Sheetel got up and took their blessings and also agreed to meet them as soon as possible and they all left but before druv left he asked for her number saw that they can talk with each other  and after they left sameer and riya asked her why she changed her mind about the alliance.

Sheetel: I will answer you all your questions but we need to call aunt Mohini now and ask her to come here as soon as possible.

Sameer: why sheetel?

Riya: yes dear, we had decided that we will contact Mohini after your marriage to druv, what changed?

Arnav: I told her to call her here as I have same question for her.

Sameer and riya looked at arnav shocked and sheetel just nodded her head as to tell them that he knows.

Sheetel: ma actually arnav heard my conversation with khushi and told me to stop this alliance as he wanted to meet Mohini aunty.

Arnav: can you call her to came here now, I need answers only she can give me and when you call her don't tell her anything about me.

Riya and sameer looked at each other and nodded their heads and riya took out her phone and called Mohini.

Phone conversation

Riya: hello Mohini.

Mohini: riya why did you call all of a sudden, is everything okay over there?

Riya: yes my friend but I want you to came to the house now if you can I need to talk to you about something important and it needs to happen today.

Mohini: okay I will reach In the evening.

Riya: and also bring maji with you.

Mohini: ok

End of phone conversation

Riya: she said she will came in the evening and arnav beta don't judge your mother before you know the whole truth.

Arnav just nodded his  as many things were running through his head and khushi could only comfort him and she will also support him when the truth is revealed.

Sameer: arnav you need to rest for now as Mohini will came in the evening.

Khushi: uncle is right arnav you need to rest for a while.

Arnav agreed to get some rest because he knew that tonight all his questions will be answers.

Sameer: sheetel take both of them to the guest room.

Sheetel left with then to the guest room and riya was a little worried as well as a little nervous for his friend, as the truth will hurt arnav and might destroy him but she just pray that he understands his mother and support her

Sameer: riya stop worrying, everything will be okay.

Riya: what can I do sameer I am scared that the truth may destroy arnav.

Sameer: don't worry about anything all will be well, just relax.

Raizada mansion

Sakshi: I can't believe what just happened, how can that girl insult us like this.

Mannoroma: HHBB I didn't want to say anything in front of the kapoors but I think khushi might have said something to sheetel and that's why she changed her mind.

Druv: I think aunt is right ma, as I left khushi with sheetel at the poolside.

Sakshi: just let her came home and I will deal with her, she ruined my plan of getting a daughter in law.

Dev: don't worry about anything sheetel will he our daughter in law, this is just a little situation that we can solve in no time.

Sakshi: what do you mean by that dev?

Dev: I will need to meet sameer tomorrow and talk to him I believe I can convince him if we talk in private without sheetel there.

Sakshi: I hope you can convince him saw that our son gets married as soon as possible.

Druv: yes papa I really like sheetel and would want to marry her as soon as possible .

Dev: just be patient my son, have I ever disappointed you?

Druv: no papa

Dev: even this time I won't, sheetel will only marry you as soon as possible don't worry about anything.

Both druv and dev left to join others at the garden but manoroma stayed at the room with sakshi as she wanted to talk to her about arnav.

Mannoroma: jiji you need to get read of these khushi and arnav, because they are becoming irritating and I can't stand them anymore.

Sakshi: you are right mano, I should have gotten arnav out of this house a long time ago but  things did not go well I need anjali to came back soon saw that she can help me.

Mannoroma: I can help you also jiji, just tell me what to do and I will do it.

Sakshi: I know you want to help me but anjali is more cunning and can think of a plan that we can use to get read of him, but we need to be secretive about these as I don't want dev to know anything about it.

Mannoroma: why jiji,  I thought he also wants to get read of him as he reminds him of the past.

Sakshi: you are right mano but he is still his father and we cannot forget that, but I made sure that he never had a relationship with him and I accomplished that and I will also accomplish this too.

Mannoroma; your  right jiji,  I know you will came up with a good plan to remove those two thorns in our flesh.

Kapoor mansion

Sameer: riya stop moving around

Riya: I am nervous sameer, what if arnav rejects her , she will be devastated.

Sameer nothing like that will happen.

As they were they were speaking the doorbell rand and she got a little agitated and sameer was calming her dawn as the maid went to open the door and Mohini burged inside the house and you could see she was worried .

Mohini: riya you called me is everything okay,  I mean you sounded a little worried on the phone.

Riya: well there is something ( before she could complete her sentence arnav spoke)

Arnav: I asked her to call you.

Mohini looked at were the voice is coming from and she saw arnav and her eyes wide open.


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