Music To My Ears

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"Casting shadows into the light... Thunder roars, thunder cries! Hiding in the darkness of night... Lightning fills the skies! Carry me through the fight, bathed in twilight-" the piano stopped, as did the singing when John heard the key in the lock.

Dolando was grinning. "Is it voice day, starlight?" he set down his bag, coming over to kiss John. When they broke, his husband nodded.

"Mmm-mmh!" he patted the piano's bench next to him. "It is," the short, stocky man nodded as he spoke. The pearl-like necklace around his mangled throat was glowing slightly. "How was work?" John asked, smiling warmly and leaning into Dolando's chest.

The taller reaper wrapped his arms around the other, nose buried in John's black locks. "As usual. I took out Corryn to the gardens after his check-up, he missed you." he took a deep breath.

John lifted his hands from the keys to reply, signing to support his voice. "Well, I'll be there tomorrow," he said,  "Poor lad. I wish there were more people who signed around him..."

Dolando sighed. "Yeah." he rested his head on John's head, tired. "I love you."

The smaller man began to play the piano, smiling. After he played a little melody as intro he put his left hand on the keys as well, striking a chord. "If I could begin to be," he began to sing, "half of what you think of me, I could do about anything- I could even learn how to love,"

A little noise escaped Dolando, unsure.

"When I see, the way you act," he looked back, grinning at his love, "wondering when I'm coming back, I could do about anything- I could even learn how to love... like you... I always thought I might be bad! Now I'm sure that it's true," he kissed Dolando's jaw,
"'cause I think you're so good, and I'm nothing like you!" he turned back to the piano for a moment. "Look at you go! I just adore you, I wish that I knew... What makes you think I'm so special..." his expression was soft as he ended the song, gently leaning back.

Dolando kissed his husband on the lips, gently scooting to sit beside him. "You glorious darling," he murmured, "you didn't have to. You're making me all soft."

John giggled. "Aren't I allowed to?" he leaned in. "I love you too." Seeing the time, he took off his necklace, rubbing his throat. Using it always made him uncomfortable; it was itchy and the vibrations made his jaw hurt. "You know that right?"  he questioned, going back to full sign now.

His husband took his hands and kissed them both, smiling. "There's my John," he caressed his love on the cheek. "I do. Hearing you speak makes it seem so... childish, all of this."

A silent chuckle escaped John. "Well, I was just a graduate when I lost it," he pointed out. "When you and I became ever closer."

"I think going to see you that night was the best choice of my life," Dolando told him, then grinned. "Or was it the worst?"

John shoved him off the bench, laughing. "Shut up! I love you,"  he repeated, standing up as well to hug his husband.

The taller man blinked, then hugged him close, a silly smile on his face. More than you could ever know.

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