Everything's Okay

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He was fine, Alan had insisted. It was just a fall, it had barely even hurt him! That might have been true, but the fit that it had triggered sure did. Eric held his friend close, murmuring reassurances. He was worried, seeing Alan choke on the air and claw at his chest.

The blond reaper couldn't even imagine the sheer amount of pain his friend was going through. The ragged, black and purple lines grasping their way up his arm and chest were like ferocious beasts, killing everything in their path. Eventually, they would reach the heart, killing their host as well. Until then, his reality was being bruised black and blue by the disease, living every day with the exhaustion and weakness it caused him. And the fits...

Alan cried out, prompting Eric to take him closer in his arms. "I'm here," he whispered. "I have you, buddy." He hated this. Every little bit of this. The initial attack was one thing, but the hallucinating afterwards was the worst. It felt like pure heaven to Alan, Eric knew, but it scared him. Already Alan had injured himself a few times. The very worst part was when they snuck back on his friend though. Ten, twenty minutes past one, he might relapse into the first stage.

After a few more minutes Alan looked up, grabbing Eric's shirt. "I'm okay," he told his friend, sitting up.

Eric lifted him in his arms, shaking his head. "You're in no shape to reap." he told Alan, who disagreed in stumbling words. He fell quiet soon after, staring into the distance. Eric held him close, setting out for home. They had to stop a few times when Alan had more fits, but they had the time. Eric was not letting go.

"I hear someone singing," he told Eric when they arrived at the Estate. "She wants me to join her."

Eric shook his head. "She's not real." he set Alan down to grab the man's keys from his pocket, laying him down on the couch when they got in.

Alan did not let go of his shirt when he turned away. "Stay," the younger reaper whispered. "Please, stay."

A sigh escaped Eric, but he sat back down and hugged Alan close again. "Does it hurt?"

A nod was all he got.

Eric smiled, resting his forehead against Alan's. "I have you," he confirmed. "I'll stay." No matter how long it takes, or what I'll have to do.
He wrapped an arm around his friend. "Just remember that she's not real. I am. I have you, and I'm not letting you go. Everything's okay," he reassured, rubbing Alan's back.

"Everything's okay?" Alan asked, quivering.

"Everything's okay."

Rose Valley Shenanigansजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें