Nursery Wing

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All I can remember is running.

Standing up and running to Niles.

My legs run faster than they ever have in their life.

Everything became a blur, a vision. Before I even knew it, I was on the floor.

Two explosions.

A tiny little dark green ball, lands about 20 metres in front of me.

A grenade.

It explodes. I don't know how, but I escape with bits of the hospital stuck in me, but not deadly. I'm leaving a blood trail behind me. I have to get to Iris and everyone.


I run faster encouraged by my child. Making it to him, making it for him.

For him.

I have to live, everyone has to live.

I past a limp body, I stop immediately.

"Azar?" I ask, blood starts pumping through my body quickly. Fear reaches its peak. I let out a scream and shake him.

"Myra!" He says urgently, as he wakes.

"Shut up. Where is he?!" I yell at him, another explosion.

"Here." He reaches into his jacket and pulls out Niles. Sleeping.

"He's safe!" He gestures to his bulging side, underneath his shirt.

"Thank you. Why were you pretending to be dead!" Anger burst through my veins.

"What!? Why are you changing colours!" He starts freaking out. I work myself down.

"Am i the same?" I ask for assurance. Eyes wide, he nods.

"Okay. Why did you pretend to be dead?" I try to keep my calm.

"Because, then nobody would check me, the would think the bomb hit me." He explains.

"It's stupid." I say harshly.

"How!?" He says offended.

"Because! They still would've shot you! You hardly have any more injuries indicating a bomb went off! Just a gun shot in the leg! And that isn't even bleeding!" I raise my voice.

"That's four." Azar counts, as another explosion goes off. Screams and shrieks, this time.

Oh god.

"Where?" I ask him urgently.

"Nursery Wing." He answers, he sees the urgency in my eyes and understands.

"We need to run." He stands up, places Niles in a secure grip and begins to sprint.
I admit, even with a gun wound in the leg, he's a pretty fast runner.

"Come on!" He calls urgently to me. I take off.

But fall. My legs don't want to move. I'm frozen, they won't obey.

I'm scared.

Another will, they obey. The usual adrenaline begins.
I caught up with Azar. Under 3 minutes we had arrived in the nursery wing. Police are arriving in boats, helicopters, cars, and motorbikes.

4 explosions, but where are they throwing them from. The front of the nursery is completely obliterated, smoke and ash. It didn't destroy one wall though, so people outside wouldn't know if there are any survivors.

Thankfully, it was the reception part.

"There you are!" Cole shouts and I jump into his welcoming arms.

"How'd you? Is everyone?" I ask breathless. As we part, everyone is standing there. Except for Eden.

"She's dead." Cole tells me, a glint of a tear is wept away.

Apart of my soul.

Goodbye, I wave off to you and wish you well.

Goodbye Eden Hayley Arrow.

My fingers rub around E's old golden locket, the one that has the love heart charm with our family's name engraved inside the locket. A pattern is placed on the frontside of it.

"So, have we got everything we arrived with?" Fang asks everyone. Iris and I are in the middle of a big hug, afraid of what will happen, not knowing what to do.

Feeling alone, Narla joins in, then Amya, then Max and then my little rose, Zita. She knows what is happening, what might happen to her. But she chooses to move on, to be brave. 'To be like Mumma' she tells me, if only she knew how scared I truly was.

"Yes we've got everything. But Azar, I'm not sure if we can trust you." Cole begins interrogating, I roll my eyes.

"If he does something that proved Myra wrong, shoot him." Sergeant says, Chase gave me a big hug before and told me he'll see me later. I was then greeted by Sergeant.

"Agreed." Cole nods and glares at Azar. I laugh lightly.

"Laughing's the closest thing we'll ever get to being the normal teenagers we were." Max's voice is muffled, her head nuzzled and covered by Iris's hair.

"I was never normal. I'm sorry, so so sorry. Why are you girls even friends with me still? I've put you through so much stuff already and... You still want to be friends with the monster I am." I sniffle. They shake their heads.

"Ah, Myra. You know what? Even though you were and are an assassin doesn't mean you weren't normal. You were always the true Myra with us. Never will we see you as a monster, never. Yes we've been through stuff, but it's nothing that we can't stand. We've had death, we're practically living zombies. We know how to fire guns pretty amazingly. So nothing, nothing can ever break this friendship we have. Even if Amya said something about me and you went and told me that she said that and more, much, much, much, worse.

I'd seek first to understand. I wouldn't go off calling you names, I'd come to you and talk to you. I'd work on repairing our relationship, I wouldn't say I don't know who to believe. I'd just leave it, leave it because that's what true friends do. That's what we are.

We all are true friends, true friends to each other. No matter what you've done in your life no matter. We're best friends. Best friends stick with each other till the end." Iris tells me the best prep talk anyone has ever said. I love her so much, I love the other girls so much.
We all wipe a tear and look at each other.

"I agree." Narla places her hand in the centre of the group. We all place our hands on eachothers, then does something typically like the 'Bratz':
"BEST FRIENDS!" We all laugh, laugh like maniacs.

Like its the last time we'll laugh for a while.

Eden's gone! I don't know if u saw it coming or not?

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