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On the way to the military headquarters james thought if they would be bothering Adrian. Even though Adrian didn't look like it would bother him, he can't shake of the feeling that it must be busy in the military a midst the apocalypse and-

In that moment, Lily started to cling to him and he couldn't help noticing people staring at them and as it seems, Mike and Keith aren't immune to the stare either. The people's eyes are all filled with different emotions like greed, curiosity, envy and disgust.

I can relate at how unconfortable that stare would be at a person. James then picked up Lily and held her in his arms the whole walk to the headquarters while holding Keith's hand.

When they finally arrived at the headquarter peoples eyes on them were only few of them. He went to the entrance and smiled at the guard. The guard was obviously caught off guard *giggle* and stared at me and then at the kids (mike is a pup) and then asked me.

"Wit..h what can i help you… sir?" He asked hesitation clear in his voice.

But james only put his charming smile nr. 5 on and said "Excuse me mister, but could you please tell someone named Adrian Watson that james and his little sister are waiting for him?"

The guard blushed and called over another guard and told him to stay here and watch us. That Guy that he called was, seemed to be completely bored and is staring at me and the kids with eyes filled with curiosity.

I didn't say anything and he didn't say anything either. Lily meanwhile was playing with her ability and some dirt on the ground and Keith watched her play and told her some tricks and she plays a little puppet theatre...

Maybe i should give them some dolls next time? In my country there should be children with toys. That's no problem. And it should be kid friendly environment.

Just as james was about to think different ways to build his country Adrian came out looking out of breath. James looked into the slightly taller's (half a head) man eyes and smiled.

"You look out of breath. Were you training?" James asked after observing the slightly taller man just as Lily ran into Adrians arms.

Adrian nodded with seriously and just as he wanted ask what they are doing here, he heard a little growl that came from Lily's stomach.

Both adults looked at Lily and burst out laughing.

"I see, i am now your meal ticked aren't i?" Teased Adrian and James grinned. "Well of course! Why else would we want to come here if not for you or to steal top secret informations." Exclaimed James with serious expression. Adrian seems to be trying to guess if james is joking or not, while the guard is just straight up nervous and 'guarded'. At that James giggles and both soldiers dismissed it the as a joke.

How could they know that our cutie James is actually not joking?

'Well, why would i want top secret informations anyway?… actually it would be good blackmail matrial' Thinks James.

Keith who accidiently listened to James thoughts: (一。一;;)

Then a little we know who grabbed Adrians pants and puts her hands in the air as a sign for him to pick her up. Adrian of course just does that and takes the lead and waves off the guard.

"Let's go home, i cook us something." Offers Adrian and James takes Keith's hand and walks beside him with a hum of agreement.

They didn't take the same way as before, but they passed some more stalls full of questioning objects that look like trash. At some stalls are grey crystals and at some are rusting weapons as knives or all sort of stuff that's only trash but people may need it like doors, windows, metal scrapes wood for fire.

At a stall from an old grandma who looks like a she would kick the bucket anytime, there is an old necklace that has something not quite right about it. James nears the stall and the woman looks up to him with curiosity.

"Young lad, do you want anything from this old lady's stall?" Asks the old lady. James smiles and processes with looking at the necklace. It was old and had a green jade with a gold chain that is dirty beyond recognition. And it truly had an remarkably pure aura. He remembers from somewhere that jades are energy stones of the earth but the ones human were able to find are to weak since they are to near the surface.

He gives a curious glance at the old lady and asks "Granny from where did you get this" the old lady stared at him and sighed sadly.

"This necklace is an old treasure by our family passed down for hundred of generations. It's an old thing that nobody wants. Does this young man have maybe and interest in this necklace? maybe for a young madam?" She replies and is startled by the glare of the taller man (adrian) beside him.

James just smiles and doesn't replies to that but he does ask. "How much is this necklace? It's rather unique, I want it" the last 'I want it' part was directed to Adrian.

The lady looked thrilled looking at Adrians military uniform, the said man who is paying on the other hand doesn't look very thrilled.

The woman then gives out a card with a blue circle on it to him and says cheeky "10 points please" while Adrian seems at the price not very happy but one look at James changed his mind.

James smirked while Adrian payed, he was after all once a child with doting father and grandparents. He knew how to do puppy eyes like it's a language that he can fluently speak.


After all Keith saw Adrian come out of James room and he did see that there was only one bed, james might not remember but Keith is never going to forget.

Keith:  that man shouldn't be so near to brother!

After that the way home was rather eventful if you didn't count James bubbly happy expression that got a lot if people blushing at which Keith pouted.

When they entered the apartment it was very silent there which showed that it's must be empty, which it was.

Adrian then started cooking while James took the kids to his room.

Once in the room Keith closed the door while James started giggling. He the process to take out the necklace and clear it with water and fire.

Lily watched in awe as the ugly pendant transformed into something that could cost a fortune.

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