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The four of them are now on the to a a base after about two hours of walking lily got tired and is now sitting on top of Mike resting. They were in a not so crowded area where only rarely a zombie was dumb enough to attack them which was taken care of by James.

James himself didn't feel tired at all and noticed that since he entered this world he wasn't once tired and the closest he got to tired was mental fatigue from overworking himself by testing his powers for two days straight. Keith on the other hand, you can see that he is slowly getting tired since he is occupying the body of a not quite human? Since his abilities are far superior of a normal kid.

And this left James to think their next course of action since they should soon rest for the night, but if they hurry they could arrive in the city of the base they are trying to reach... 'No they should rest now' James thought and signalled with his tails.

Keith noticed first and stopped shortly after Mike noticed that they stopped he turned around to face me and Lily... the poor thing us asleep on Mike 'awwww!' I smiled and looked at them "we should search for a place to rest for the night. Ideas?"

Keith's eyes seem to brightening by the mention of rest and his hand shot up.

"I saw a store not far from here! Let's check it out!" Keith suggested his eyes full of excitement and curiosity and was literally bouncing on his spot. He's radiating surprisingly many emotion in his eyes and actions even though he is expressionless.

But the suggestion wasn't bad, maybe they find some candy?

"Good idea. Let's go!" Said James with a excited aura and a gentle smile completely out of the acapolypse.

Did I mention that I love sweets?

Flash back

"Waa..hh.wahh wahhhhhh Gra..nny" A little child about four cried in beautiful flower garden full of bloomed roses. The garden was that of his late grandmother a lovely but strict woman. She would always bake with him and tell him tales in the garden. Now she's gone her body burried in her most beloved rose garden.

"YOU! SHUT UP YOU BRAT *SLAP* YOU'RE SO ANNOYING. WHY DO I BOTHER WITH YOU. OKAY IF YOU DON'T WANT TO COME IN SLEEP OUTSIDE!" shrieked an bashee like voice behind the boy and stormed of. If you look closer you notice faint bruises on his arms and darker one under the shirt.

An middle aged man neared the boy and the boy covered in fear as the stranger neared. He frowned until he saw the bruises and his eyes darkened with understanding.

"Young master it's getting late I bring you to your room" the man said smiling gentle but when the boy wouldn't move he took a candy out of his pocket and reached his hand out to the shivering boy, which got the attention of the boy

"let's go in young master James. It's time for bed, but don't tell Maria that I gave you candy before bed she's going to scold me otherwise." He said and the sobbing boy nodded and took the candy and the hand of the butler later found out to be named fidelium.

It was a chocolate marbel

Flashback end

'After that chocolate marbles  and baked sweets were my favourites'  james thought as they went a sad smile on his lips at the thought .

To distract himself he looked around his surroundings and saw his reflection. He completely forgotten that he has seven fox tails and fox ears... He should hide them before they meet any trouble by humans questioning them about the ears and tails.

As the thought came his tails vanished and his fox ears were replaced with human ears. He gave a satisfied hmm and  looked at the direction Keith took of in the store with Mike. He quietly followed and if he ate some chocolate marbles before sleeping that day. No one said anything at his very good mood.

Ps. The first person of you who can guess what the meaning the name of the butler has. gets to design an character. And don't forget to write the background and how they meet the Mc

Ps. Please don't write information in the comments after I wrote to the first person...

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