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The room was silent and tense, so tense like a rubber band what is about to snap.

Keith knew that his Host- no brother was bipolar. But he never saw him angry, this concerned him. Cause from all the times his brother went from serene responsible adult to little shit he never thought he would see him someday so angry over a little remark.

That makes him remember the time Lord Orion warned him about his Brother. And only now believes that his brother really is ruthless.

On the other Hand the guy who called was feeling a certain sense of dread and itching to hide behind his twin.

And after the pressure rose he couldn't withstand it anymore.

"I AM SORRY" he shouted and hid behind his twin

The pressure disappeared as suddenly as it appeared. James was smiling again but Keith knew, that it wasn't genuine.

"Boy, listen i am male and if you ever make a remark on my appearance...
Well I don't think you need neck anymore" said James while Keith was holding Lilys ears shut.

After some moments of silence.

*gough* *gough* "Well I am Eve and this is my twin brother Ethan please excuse his actions. May I know your name?" The woman asked.

At that Adrian relaxed this were his most trusted people and he didn't want to abandon them to please his wifey, but if James didn't like them...

"Eve, Ethan. This is the savoir of my little sister Lily, James and his little brother Keith. The dog there is Mike."

Eve and Ethan eyes were for a moment shocked, before searching for the little Angel. And when their eyes landed on the girl beside the dog their eyes watered. They run to her and hugged her while crying.

Meanwhile James already forgot about his bad mood and was relaxing into his new home. He feels sleepy and decided to interrupt their moment when he saw that Lily was getting suffocated.

He pulled the two with his wind powers apart and gave the an annoyed tired glance.

"I am tired, can we rest first and the continuen" James demanded impatient.

And Adrian nodded while showing their rooms. Keith and Lily had to share a room to save place and Adrian gave James his bedroom since it was the biggest and he barley uses it.

All of them went to sleep right after since they were exhausted from the long journey.

But at midnight...

Two red eyes open and give an atmosphere of danger. James dresses himself and climbs on the roof.

And with feather like steps, he makes his way as fast as possible out of the city, but he doesn't stop there. He goes farther and farther til the next city. He senses for life forms and exhales in relief when he doesn't feel anyone.

The moon is bright and James stands there in daze under the shine of the moon. He only snaps out of it, when some zombies approach him.

And James suddenly got angry. His slitted ruby like eyes, are showing his fury if a person was here, they would be scared enough to shit their pants.

James is angry at himself he feels overwhelmed and a he's angry at the zombies. Destroying such q beautiful world.

And at himself... he feels week..he misses his father, and his grandma. It's overwhelming. He's a god? And how everything is different he could destroy this world with ease, it's scary.

James is getting dizzy, he doesn't like feeling down but that doesn't make the memory go away that triggered it all. He was 8 at that time. His father is rarely at home and at that time there internal trouble in the military and he couldn't come home for two month's.

That was when the woman found a new way to torture him. She forced him to dress in pink girly dresses and made him Participate in a fashion contest for little girls. His mother threatened him to expose him if he didn't give his all and won. It was humiliating and i didn't want anyone to know about this, so I won.

I was dubbed a mystery at that time, because I behaved and just appeared one day and won the contest. My mother made me go to three other contest while my father was away.

Without noticing James vented his anger out on his surroundings. He has a whip out of an unknown material which is aflame with blue flames who burn everything in short time to ashes. There are blue fire balls who are flying everywhere, like they're alive.

When his father returned he was not only angry but furious, he slapped that woman and ban her from the mansion. That woman took then my price money from the contest and disappeared into one of the others mansions of my father.

I wasn't bothered by her then until I fourteen. She suddenly decides to get close to me and when I rejected her, she got angry and tried to drug me and sell me to a brothel. Psss as if I would accept a drink from her.

When he stopped and come out of the trance he frowned, the  whole city is a wreck and when he tried to sense for any undead there were none. Maybe saying the city is a wreck is a big understatement. It's burned to ash. Where the whole city was is only a big crate now. And he stands in the middle of it.

He gazes for some hours at the moon he suddenly got an idea. He is going to make this planet into his home. And the take his father from the other universe and bring him here. I mean when he is going to dimension travel it's going to be tiredly and he needs a break. And this world was abandoned,  so why doesn't he take it?

He makes it his personal heaven. But every thing has to be step by step. For now he fills the crater and puts a holy barriere on the former city. Now no undead would be able to enter and mutant animals if not attacked would be tame. He made a little wood hut and put into it a bed a bathroom and food.

And as the sun rose no one knew he was gone expect... that man... why is he sleeping in his bed?

With a hmpf then James dresses himself and goes to sleep.

Unknown pov

A woman runs and runs and runs from the undead.  She was betrayed by her lover. He sacrified her and now she is running the stumbled and lands on the ground. She is finished she thinks and waits for the zombies to eat her. But they didn't. When she looked up...

The zombies are there but they are stopped by some kind of golden transparent barriere, she looks around and notices that there is a hut a bit father a way and goes there. It was unlocked and like goldy locks did she ate and slept there.

Soho how do like the chapter? To make this his realm? And who is that person?  

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