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this one-shot takes place during the 3rd PJO book after the events of the story.

Percy pov

I had just managed to escaped Tyson, I have nothing against Tyson, I just literally escaped one of his bear hugs. I was just walking through the woods when I heard a splashing sound, I got that feeling, the feeling you get when you know something bad is about to happen. 

With riptide uncapped I cautiously, well that's a lie, I recklessly ran to the noise. I hoped it was Nico (hadn't seen him in a while), but when I got there, all I saw was the river that ran through the middle of the woods. 

Then I noticed something under the water, it was a camper, and he was unconscious. 

I dove into the water and grabbed him, I was so scared he was going to die. I realized that he just so happened to be my crush. That only made me more scared. 

using my water powers I formed a bubble around his head and used the air to push the water out of his longs. I pulled him back to shore, I wasn't sure if I got all the water out of his longs so...

I had to do CPR, right? I um, pushed on his chest and... Blew into his mouth. I noticed how soft his lips were, repeat a couple times and he was coughing. 

I stared into his eyes when he woke up, his eyes were minty teal-ish blue. The small child of Aphrodite looked at me flabbergasted.

"IM SORRY!" he yelled and then he started rambling, "I was looking for some monsters cause one of my friends dared me to and I can't swim very well, fuck, you probably already guessed that and I- shit I-" he was starting to look incredibly flustered. 

"hey it's fine," I say, putting my hand on his cheek, my attempt at calming him down only succeeded in making him even more flustered.  

I wonder why.

(A/N hi I just wanted to say that if you like this book you will love my other book, 'the lost gods' by jannabannana28 it also takes place at camp half-blood. it's an OC story but don't worry it still has plenty of the original character's dumb shit)

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