Percy and the sexuality crisis

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for everyone reading this... don't. I'm doing a re-write you can find on my profile that's better than this. so go there.

Percy Jackson is bisexual, yee.

his first kiss was with a guy in the 6th grade.  Percy had a huge crush on this kid in his math class, Grover always asked him what he was looking at and Percy always just made up some excuse and Grover totally fell for it. 

Percy thought it was just envy. He envied the clothes he would wear, his bright blue hair, how there were no holes in his shoes. He just envied Zackery. Even if he didn't envy him, they were friends and he was just a friend.

Until one day, when he walked up to Percy and told him to meet him in the boy's bathroom. He broke down crying telling Percy that he was gay and his parents hated him for it, that's why he was here, for 'fixing' as his parents called it. Then Zack did something unexpected, kissed him, and for some reason that he did not know. Percy liked it, more then a straight guy should, so much so, he kissed back. From that day on word they were friends that would sometimes kiss. 

Until the day Zack got hit by a bus, HE SURVIVED DONT WORRY, but he had to go back home. Percy had never seen him since.

Percy felt kinda weird about his sexuality after that. He knew he liked girls, and he knew he had to feel at least something for guys but he was still not so sure. 

ima makey yall a part 2 don't worry my children

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