Part 10

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Ruhaan was come you are here?Also why are you in Pari's dress?Where is Pari?

Mishti's eyes got filled up with tears.
Mishti:Because I am your wife Pari.
Ruhaan was stunned:Means?

Mishti:Till now because of hatred you never bothered to look at my face

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Mishti:Till now because of hatred you never bothered to look at my face.But you got friendly with Mishti.You fell in love with Mishti while you hated your wife Pari.But you did'nt know that both Pari and Mishti are the same person.I was living with you as Pari.
Ruhaan was shocked.
Ruhaan:Are you mad?What are you saying?
Mishti:I am saying the truth Ruhaan.I put all of you in dark for a long time.I can't carry this burden anymore.I want to release it now.

Mishti told him why he married him as Pari and the whole back story.
Ruhaan was shocked.He was shattered.
Ruhaan:How stupid I was!I loved a con girl like you without knowing that the witch at my house is you only.
Mishti:I admit that I was wrong.But even you are not innocent Ruhaan.You played with a girl's life and feelings for wealth.Just because I was wrong what you did can't be justified.what if dadi had found an innocent girl for you as wife?Your betrayal would have broken her heart.
Ruhaan:I know.I realized my mistake and I came here to confess my mistake and apologize.But then I saw your true face.
Mishti was surprised:I am happy that along with me you also realized your mistake.
Ruhaan:I respected you.Because of you I established my career.Because of your words i put aside my lazy nature and worked hard.
Mishti:You are forgetting that as Pari also I had reminded you that you are forgetting your duty.As Pari also I told you how irresponsible you are.But you feel that only Mishti's words influenced you.
Ruhaan:Yes.But as Pari you taunted me for leading a luxurious life with dadi's hard earned money and it hurt my self respect.But as Mishti you opened my eyes for good.You played a dual role cunningly.As Mishti you were sweet, but as Pari you never gave me peace of mind.
Mishti:Ya.Because to Pari you showed your darkest side.You never showed any humanity to her.But to Mishti you were the best person.Just because Mishti was your dream girl..modern and stylish?
Ruhaan:I agree that I chose you to play my fake wife as you matched the image of a sophisticated woman.But that was not the reason I fell in love with you.I still don't know why I got attracted to you.
His words fell on her heart.She became very emotional.
Mishti:Now seeing my true face you may be hating me more than you hate Pari.

Ruhaan:No.I don't know why..though i am angry I am not able to hate you.May be it's not easy to hate the person we love.
His words touched her heart.
Ruhaan:I am angry with myself for loving you.
Mishti felt upset.
Ruhaan:I know that I deserved only a cunning wife like you.I disrespected you when you were Pari.But I never hurt your father.I only tried to help him in his financial crisis through dadi.But you are cheating my dadi mercilessly.She trusts you blindly.If she comes to know your real face she will be shattered.When she comes to know that the love and care you are showering upon her are fake she will be broken.
Mishti:I was a complete brat.I lost my mom during childhood.My dad treated me as a Princess giving me a mother's love too.He did'nt want me to feel the absence of a mother.He did'nt know that I was turning into a spoilt girl.I never realized the value of husband wife relationship also.So i married you just to achieve our goal.I had decided to divorce you after reaching the goal without understanding that marriage is not a joke to break easily.But trust me..
She kept her hand on her own head:I swear...the love which I show dadi comes from the bottom of my heart.It's not fake.

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