Part 8

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Mishti looked at her father and smiled.
He is none other than Maninder who is Pari's father.But he is not the same village man,but a stylish man who has a sophisticated look.
Mishti:Papa...Ruhaan is ashamed to introduce his wife Pari to his friends as he thinks that she is a beheji village gawar.So he introduced me as Pari to his friends without knowing the truth that I am his wife Pari.
Mishti smirked.

Suddenly both Mishti and Maninder laughed.started laughing.

Maninder:And he does'nt know that his village gawar father in law Maninder is actually Rakesh Mittal who ruled the world of business once upon a time

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Maninder:And he does'nt know that his village gawar father in law Maninder is actually Rakesh Mittal who ruled the world of business once upon a time.

Maninder:And he does'nt know that his village gawar father in law Maninder is actually Rakesh Mittal who ruled the world of business once upon a time

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Mishti:How can he know that?He is leading a luxurious life with his ancestors' money which were made through family business.But he is actually more interested in art and photography.It's his dadi who is managing the business mainly.Ruhaan and his dadi do not know that we are not villagers,but a big business family who are bankrupt now.To save our business and Mansion we had to do this drama.Through this marriage our intention is to get finance for our sinking business.Dadi thinks that I am a sanskari bahu while actually I am a modern brat who tortures her grand son.Like a ideal wife in the name of puja for her grand son I am going out ,but actually I am living a free life as the real me...the real Mishti to escape from the suffocating life of fake Pari. Luckily Ruhaan approached me to play his wife which was very easy for me as I am his real wife.But pretending to be a complete new person before him was difficult.Anyways because of his drama we got money.I promise you doing double role as Pari and Mishti I will extract as much as money from Ruhaan's family and then divorce him.
Rakesh smiled.
Mishti:I don't feel guilty about betraying Ruhaan as he himself is an arrogant brat.From the first day onwards I ill treated him to keep him away from me.But I feel guilty about betraying dadi.She loves me a lot papa.She trusts me blindly and supports me against her ow grand son.
Rakesh:We are not cheating them purposefully Mishti beta.We were forced to do it.When my business partner cheated me we landed up in a big trouble.We did't want to accept our defeat and commit suicide.So as a last option we played game with that family.
Mishti:Yes.I hope God will forgive us.

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