Chapter Two: Forward

Start from the beginning

"To plunder galaxies and kill innocent people?" Kathryn replied. 

"To see the future." Jakoba was calm. "Aaron thought the man had a direct connection to the Creator."

"The Creator?" She queried. "The one said to have created all life? The one that sits on the highest throne, even higher than Those Above?"

"The one and the same."

"He's a myth, Jakoba; a bed time story. My mother told me about him when I was growing up on earth."

"Aaron and Emelia didn't believe so." He said. 

"Then why didn't she tell us about the Creator or this prophecy?" 

"Prophecies are risky business. Maybe Emelia figured that the return of Stenos was enough stress for you two after being reunited without knowing about the prophecy. I'm sure she would have told you but...." His voice trailed off. 

"What about the Midway? We could still ask her." Kathryn said, curious. 

"Oh no!" Jakoba's eyes widened. "No, those in the Midway are privy to a lot of information, most of which is forbidden for those that are still living to know. She missed her chance to talk about when it when she died." 

"Well, how did they know that what this Warrior wrote was prophecy and not something else?" She asked him through sniffles.

"It was written in the ancient language; the first language known to exist. No one alive in any universe knows how to speak or write it." Jakoba suddenly stood and disappeared from the room. 

He was gone for a moment before Kathryn was sure she heard him fidgeting around in Emelia's room. It was then that she wondered how many secrets that the room truly held. Ayden had received the Book of Time in it. They had also been given the orbs that she believed had saved lives from the drawer of Emelia's table and now Jakoba was rummaging. It went quiet and then she heard stone sliding against stone. A moment later, he returned carrying a rolled up piece of paper. 

"Here." He said as he moved to her and handed it over. 

Kathryn took it from him and began to unroll it on the top of her comforter, to which it was about a forth of the size. On the left side was line after line of symbols and shapes; the scribblings of the ancient language. Below that were sketches of planets and a magnificent city. On the right, next to each line was what Jakoba said was the translation written in curvy English:

Darkness moves upon the land

An evil king will siege

Many will fall by his hand

Defenseless you will be. 

A monster will come, powerful and swift,

The worlds he'll nearly destroy

But King Aaron will cause a shift

With the power of his newborn boy. 

The little prince, barely able to breathe,

Will be hidden among Warriors none.

To rise into his father's seat, 

 Three planets from the sun. 

In a mile high city he will grow, 

Until his timeline takes him West

The Book of Time: A Guardians of Time NovelWhere stories live. Discover now