Half an hour later they pulled up in the driveway, Luke got out and went to get Skyanne out and carried her inside and placed her in bed. 
" Poor little darling, it's been a long day  for her, she's  out like a light cuddling into the monkey Karen gave her," Luke said as he came back out into the lounge-room.

An hour and a half after watching telly Sally-Ann  called it a night and went to catch up on some much needed sleep. She was exhausted  from the long day out. As soon  as her head hit the pillow, Sally-Ann fell into a deep sleep.


Morning  came quickly and Karen was up bright and early  making breakfast for everyone when Sally-Ann walked in.

" Good morning  everyone, beautiful day isn't it?  Sally-Ann said as she  took a seat at the end of the table.
" Someone's  woken up all bright and chirpie  this morning.  Care for some bacon and eggs?  There's  fresh coffee in the pot too, help yourself," Karen told her.

" What's your plan today Sally-Ann? "Luke asked her as he placed his paper down in front of him.
" I  have an interview to go too at Sandy's Fashions this morning and soon after that I thought I would  go check out this house for sale I saw in the morning  paper. I  might even  duck into the shops to grab a few things for Skyanne and myself," she said  taking a sip of her coffee.  " Best of luck on both of them Sally-Ann, " Luke said  refilling his coffee cup.

Not long after Sally-Ann funished her breakfast , she  grabbed her handbag, car keys and off she went for her job interview.

Pulling up out the front of  Sandy's Fashions, Sally-Ann locked the corvette  and made her way  into the building.  
" Good morning,  you must be Miss Neil, please follow me, " the young receptionist said  leading  Sally-Ann  down the  corridor to Mrs Riley s office. Knocking on the door,the young receptionist said, "  Mrs Riley, Miss Neil has arrived.

" Miss Neil, please  come in, take a seat. How can I help you? " she asked.
" I ' m here about the  advertisement  in the  paper, " Sally-Ann said.
" Oh I 'm sorry Miss Neil, but the job was  required  for a younger girl and the postion has been filled, "  Mrs Riley implies.
" Thank-you  for  your time," Sally-Ann said  feeling annoyed.

On  leaving  Sandy's Fashions, Sally-Ann  drove over to Reitman Bay's shopping centre. Heading into Kmart she grabbed a few items  for both Skyanne and  herself, ducked into Big W and target  to get a few things from there, then went and  checked out a few junk shops.
Once after all the running around she did, Sally-Ann  ponder over to a small coffee shop to grab herself a short black and a small slice of a black Forrest  cake. No sooner had she sat down, she heard,"Fancy running into you here of all places. "

" Oh God, what do you want Steven? " she catechize.
" Now  that's  no-way to talk.. I was just wondering if you care to join me in a coffee? " he asked
"I'd rather not,"  she snapped  back at him.
" Why are you  always  rude towards me Sally-Ann? "
"And why is it, you can't  leave me alone? " she fired back at him.

Looking straight at her he said, " Gee's  whats your fucken problem Sally-Ann?  All I want is a few minutes  of your time....is that too much to ask for??
" Yes actually  it is way too much to ask for," she said grabbing her handbag and getting ready to leave.
"Well excuse me,  but I can't see how it  could be," he threw back at her.

" Oh for fuck's sake. ... alright then, you got two minutes, so make it quick!" she told him.

" I was wondering if you by any chance got those flowes I sent you? "  he asked.
" Flower's, what  flower's?  Oh you mean those weeds you  sent. I fed them to my friends horse," she said.
" You  what??? Please tell me your kidding?"
" Nope, not kidding. I'm dead set serious - I fed them to my friends horse," replied.

" Have you any idea how much those roses cost me Sally-Ann  and what I went through to make sure you got them. And your telling me you fed them to a horse," he said shaking his head in disbelief.
" Well I didn't  ask you too buy them did I?" she shouted back at him.
" No you didn't,  but I thought it was the most decent thing to do after the way I spoke to you the other night...."
" Oh look at that, your times up," she said cutting him off.

Back  at home, Sally-Ann  unloaded het shopping, went inside and placed it on the coffee table.
" Your home, how did it go?"  Luke asked.

"Where do I start - the job interview  was  horrible and that Mrs Riley  woman from Sandy's Fashions  was nothing but rude.... extremely  rude I might add. The job was for a younger girl and correct  me idf I'm wrong,  but shouldn't  she have stated  that in the paper in the first place?  It would have made more bloody sense. I felt like a fool. I've never been so annoyed in my life. As for the house.... it was a complete  dump! And to top my day off, you  wouldn't  believe who I ran into.... Bloody Steven! " she told Luke.

" Sounds like your day went from good to bad in 0.10 seconds flat after leaving the interview  and just progressed  to worse as the day went on. Sounds to me like you are in need of either a cold refreshing glass of wine or a nice long soak in a spa or hell... maybe both," Karen  said coming out of the kitchen.
"  I'll settle for both after the day I had," Sally-Ann  admitted.

Up the top of page is a fair idea how Skyanne  looks

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