Well, that ruined the mood. Not that I blame him, though. Especially it's their group, Group B, on duty tonight.

"You should try baking," Caprice said, after a few seconds of silence. "It's a good distraction, and the smell of bread baking makes me feel like I'm back at home."

This time, Darius smiled a warm, genuine one. "Your brownies were amazing, by the way," he said. "What else do they teach you at Peregrine?"

"Well, let me show you," Caprice stood up, holding her hand out to Darius. "We should be starting now if we wanted to make it by dinner."

We watched the two of them go out, leaving Scarlet behind.

"That was easy," she said. Then she got up and followed the two.

"What was?" I asked.

"That was." Leo said.

I looked at Cana for answers but she didn't give me any so I just dropped it.

Harmony rejoined us at the sofa. "Your turn," she said, passing me the microphone. I looked at the machine and saw that there are no more songs in the queue. "I haven't decided yet."

"Come on, you're the only one who hasn't sing yet," Harmony complained.

"Hey," Eris said with a soft voice. "It's okay if you suck. It's just us here."

"Hey!" I protested.

"What?" She said innocently. "Are you saying you're good?"

As I open my mouth, I realized that she's not wrong and I don't have any clever comeback, so I decided to keep my mouth shut. They started to chant my name to get me to sing.

"All right, fine. Don't say I didn't warn you," They let out a triumphant whooping.

After last night, I feel like screwing around. And I just know the perfect song for it. Good thing the song book has it. The machine beeps for every number I punched in the microphone, followed by a robotic voice repeating the number.

zankoku na tenshi no you ni
shounen yo shinwa ni nare

The anime intro started. I heard groaning, some of them were laughing, and a few kind souls shushing those who were laughing, even though they were barely holding it in.

"Aoi kaze ga imamune no DOA wo tataite mo—"I sang, my hand gripped the microphone tighter because I'm cringing hard.

They must have realized what they have done because they started calling me "Weeb!" in an attempt to make it stop but they are too late. I cannot be stopped. I am unleashed.

So the time passed with us singing and snacking. Two, empty plates later, we cleaned up and unplugged everything in the karaoke room since it was almost 5:30. We were on our way to the dining area, carrying empty plates and a trash bag when the roaring engines outside stopped us on our tracks.

Curious, we all went out, pulled by the unfamiliar scene. Darius, his sister Scarlet, and Caprice were already out here. We greeted them as they came over and watched the two military trucks pulling over. When they parked in front of the dorm, armed men in camouflage came spilling out the back of both trucks, army boots stomping the grassy field flat. I count at least a dozen of them.

Some soldiers stopped in front of the dorm and faced the trees, with equal distance from each other. Some soldiers marched around the building. I have no idea of what's happening so I looked for Major Coleman among the commotion, and spotted him just as he was getting out of one of the trucks.

We ran over to him. "Major, hey, what's going on?" I asked.

"We're setting up a perimeter," Major Coleman explained. "If this thing really does possess a physical body, then we can assume that bullets can now hurt it. Maybe even kill it if we're lucky."

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