"Thats almost too good of a plan Harry. Ever since you spoke her name up I haven't had a good feeling about any of this if im being completly honest. If I'm being real I just don't see a good ending to any of this. We know she has it out for me and we don't know exactly whose been threatening me but we know she has a connection to it. She'll do anything to get at me and I wouldn't put it past her to do something to you to get at me as well." Harry turns in his back and lays his head against the stack of pillows while gazing at the roof.

"Well what do you suggest, staying with her isn't going to be an option either." He snorts and screws his eyes shut. "Well for one I never even thought of that being an outcome for starters," he cracks a dimpled smile and shift back onto his side to face me. "I want to make sure the kids and our families are gone, away from Toronto and somewhere where she may not even think of, after everything is said and done I want us all to bond as one family, mine and yours, with the kids and then we can break the news to them there. Both sets of news."

"I get the vacation part but don't you think it's a bit extreme to make sure we're all out of the city for just one girl?" I shake my head and palm my forehead. I understand how it may seem as if I'm overacting or thinking of the absolute most when it comes to this situation. He's is right, she's just one girl but I feel like she's capable of something very powerful and I don't want to be anywhere near her wrath when it is released. "Harry I know it  seems extreme but there's no way she's doing any of this by herself and if she is think of all the other things she may have up her sleeve. First out sex tape, the dead decapitated animals showing up at my door, the creepy threatening phone calls, my damn house burning time the ground with all mine and the kids belongings. This is with you still being with her, how do you think she'll react when not only you tell her you're leaving her for me but when I'm pregnant, with your child. It's unfortunate but you have to think of all the possible outcomes of this, good and bad Harry."


She's right. She's absolutely right and I hate it but I won't dare let her know my true feelings about this whole situation. I don't need her stressing or worrying about any of this so I'm going to put on a face as if it doesn't bother me at all. I know the things that Jennas capable of and that's not something I need happening to my family nor I. If I'm being completely honest the girl truthfully scares the shit out of me. She was the sweetest person to me but to everyone else she's the biggest bitch one ever known and I'm not one to typically call woman out their names but with her, its needed. 

"Jay, I'll take care of it, I don't need you worrying or stressing especially with this little one baking in here. I'll figure it out so by time the wheels of the jet. touch down in Toronto all you have to  do is get in a car and I'll be where you and the rest of our family is only hours later. I won't let nothing happen to you, the family or even me. At the end of the day there's nothing she can take away from me as long as I know all of you are okay. She can take my house, company, my image, anything but as long as I got y'all i'll be okay. Okay?" She nods and nestles her head into my chest while wrapping her arms around my torso. Moments like these are the ones I cherish the most with Jayde, something I should've done in the past. I really took for granted of her and Im beginning to regret it deeply. The way I treated her and just tossed her aside like she was nothing when she was really everything to me. "Im just scared Harry, we don't really know but we know that everything thats been happening to me is linked to her in some type of way. I haven't seen my babies at all and its killing me, this is the longest I've been apart from them since they were born and she's already getting in between me and my kids. I don't know what else she has up her sleeves and I don't really want to know either. I hate myself for saying this but it seems like keeping her happy would be the easiest thing right now. 

Im taken back as she not only expresses her opinions but in Jennas favor. For as long as she's been working for me and has known Jenna no matter the situation, not once has she ever came to Jennas rescue, so this is really something Im not used to. "Baby, thats not happening, I promised to you that I was changing for the better for you and myself. I told you from here on out that it'll just be me and you, no one else and I'm not breaking that vow to you or to myself. Jenna can do anything and everything in her power but she can only do some much before repercussions start taking place. Please don't worry about it, I'll handle it. If it makes you fell any better I can have one of the boys ride along with me to make sure I'm right. Would that make you feel better?" She looks up at me with wide eyes and nods her head. "Yes it would." I flash her a smile and lean down to plant a kiss on her forehead. "Here, let's stop talking about it, We'll deal with it when the time comes but as of right now we need to start getting ready for the boring meetings today and we need to get you some food.

Hours later, Jayde and I find ourselves walking into the convention center, hand in hand, to our specified seats in the heart of the center. Many stares are thrown our way and I can almost be sure its because of our tape that got leaked and the many eyes that have seen what we do behind closed doors. "Styles!" Ronnie, a colleague of mine before I dropped out of college comes walking up to me with his wife close behind. "Whats up man? How have you been." He shakes my hand and pats my back with the brightest smile I've ever seen displayed on his face before. "Good good, Im real good. Ronnie this is Jayde, my girlfriend. Jayde this is Ronnie. We go way back." She politely shakes his hand and is introduced to his wife as well. While they're hugging however, I notice his face shift as if a lightbulb went off in his head and his mouth drops open. 

"Wait, she's Jayde? As in Jayde the Jayde you sobbed over and thought of calling ever damn damn for a year Jayde?" As close as we used to be, the main reason ive kept my distance from Ronnie is because he cant keep his damn mouth shut. This is a perfect example; back when er were roommates in college, when Jayde first broke up with me and left I cried for the first few years on a weekly basis. No one know this but him beaus to everyone else including my family, I acted as if I didn't care about her and she was just another fling of mine. But in actuality, she was my everything and Ronnie was the only person who didn't judge me for being so emotional about her leaving me. He was one of the main support systems for me throughout that period of my life and I'm forever thankful for it, but I have a feeling that by the end of this weekend Jayde will know everything that was said between the two of us.

"Yes, this is the Jayde I cried about all the time, Ronnie." I quietly release to him and he strokes his beard. A five minute long conversation later, he finally allows Jayde and I to walk away and claim our seats in the convention center. Right as we sit down and settle in, she grips my arm with the biggest smile. 

"You cried about me after I left? All everyone told me was that you used to hook up with random girls every-night and how you would always act like I never exsisted." I embarrassingly shrug and tear my gaze away from her stare.

"Somethings just aren't meat to be released or said after a period of time. But yes I acted like a little bitch when it was just Ronnie and I and I cried to him every night about how hurt I was that you finally left me even though I knew It was my fault I pushed you to leave me. Is there anything else you want to know about my past with Ronnie?" Her eyes shoot up and she begins looking around the room with her lip pulled between her teeth.

"Did you ever stop thinking about me?" That wasn't the question I thought shed ask me out of everything that she's heard about me but when I finally look down to her face. Her eyes are wide and her mouth is slightly agape giving her almost an innocent look.

"Not once day throughout those five years went by that I stopped thinking about you and not now day went by that my love for you dwindled. I had always wanted us to reconnect from the moment I found out you left me and you ghosted me practically, I often regret not trying harder to find you or to make things right but in this moment, all that is in the past. What matters now is that we're with now another with healthier and leveled heads, the perfect family and another little bean on the way. I can assure you that I'll try my absolute hardest to make you the happiest girl alive Jayde, I know that sounds cheesy but I swear it. I swear I'll give you the life that you want and that you deserve because I want to give you my all. I owe it to you"

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