Walk In

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I sat on the couch, looking at the TV screen.

"That's one riveting show you're watching, Speedy." Stark crossed in front of me, and I shook my head.

"Go away, Stark. I really--" A squeal cut me off. "Wanda!"

I sped to the room my sister was in, calling out her name. The door was open, so I rushed in without thinking.

~No One~
Wanda used her magic to yank the shower curtain shut before she whipped her head around towards her brother. "Pietro?! What are you doing in here?!"

"I heard you squeal! I thought something happened!" Pietro looked confused with his sister's attitude.

"That's because I dropped water on her head!" The shower curtain suddenly opened and revealed a happily smiling Selene.

"Ah! Selene, you're naked!" Wanda scolded the Irish girl, and Pietro's face went crimson before he disappeared for a few seconds.

He returned with a warm, soft, and fluffy towel. Then he cleared his throat. "I'll just go now." Pietro threw the towel at Wanda and vanished.

-Time Skip-

"Alright, now I'm done." Wanda finished Selene's bath and wrapped her in the towel Pietro brought.

She inhaled the scent of the towel and smiled, "It smells like Pietro." Wanda smiled warmly. (I think she likes him too.) "What are you smiling at, Wanda?"

The female Maximoff just shook her head, "Nothing. Now let's get you dressed."

*Hey guys! Short chapter, I know. But it's more of a filler chapter, I guess. Sorry, I am trying to update. I seriously am. Happy reading!*


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