Out of the school, barely.

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CHAPTER 9 - Out of school, barely

Things you'll need:
Y/n - Your name
F/c - favourite coffee


"How are we going to get out without a teacher noticing us?" I asked Gene as we walked through the halls of Pheonix Drop.
"Relax, we do this all the time." Zenix said, "Really Gene?"
"Really what?" Asked Gene.

Why would you choose her as your girlfriend? She worries way to much." Sasha said, finishing Zenix's thought.
"She's not my girlfriend, Gene said, shooting a warning glance at the two other shadow knights.

I turned a corner first then I quickly stepped back yanking Gene back with my by grabbing his wrist, Zenix went to tell but I clamped my hand over his mouth.
"It's that dense gym teacher." I whispered, "Meet me at the front of the school outside the gates." I said, "take your chance when it shows."

I walked out into the hallway and the gym teach saw me.
"Excuse me, sir? I needed some help..." I said.
"Wudda you want!?" The gym teacher yelled, "Why aren't you in class!?"
"I'm sorry sir! I need to get my brother because we have... A dentist appointment," I was thinking on the spot and I had no idea how this would go, "b-but- I don't know what class he's in, is there any way I could find out?" I glanced over at where I left the shadow knights and they were gone, hopefully they got out.
"Oh yeah bruh." The gym teacher said, "you can just ask at reception!"
"Thank you sir!" I say, I nodded and ran towards the entrance of the school.

"Oh good, you made it." Gene said.
"I thought you'd been taken away by the teacher's into their black hole of death." Zenix said, Sasha said.
"Shut up Zenix." Sasha said, "Your nerd is showing."
"Come on, let's go to Starbucks." Gene said.
"Costa." I said firmly.
"Starbucks." Said Sasha and Zenix.

"What's so bad about Starbucks?" Asked Gene, walking next to me, I had been overruled and we were now going to Starbucks.
"It's just say too overpriced." I said, "and I don't bring much money."
Gene laughed, "Don't worry about it, I'll pay for yours."
"Aww! Thank you Gene!" I said.
"Haha, no problem."Gene replied.
"Of you two would stop acting like you're dating, were here." Sasha said, I smiled at Gene and followed the girl inside the shop.

The next part is the last so buckle up your seatbelts!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry it's a bit late (I fell asleep writing it yesterday lol.


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