Presentations and Pringles

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CHAPTER 5-Presentations and Pringles

Things you'll need:
Y/n - Your name
F/c - favourite colour


Gene was stood leaning against the railing on our porch, he was wearing a black jumper with a skull on the front which I'm pretty sure he was wearing on Sunday at the park.
"Hey." He said.
"Hi." I replied, "Come in." I said, walking back into the house.

I took Gene up to my room, and sat on one of the f/c beanbags, Gene sat down as well, stretching his legs, looking around my room.
"Very... F/c..." He observed with a hint of boredom..
"Yeah, it's my favourite colour, now let's start working." I said, reaching behind me and pulling the research I had done before knowing that he wouldn't have done anything.

We started working on the project, by 'we' I mean mostly me, but Gene did put in a little bit of thought, which I was grateful for. I did most of the actual writing and making of the poster we had decided to create but Gene contributed small ideas and helpful tips, mostly about presentation and making it look better, because obviously he had no knowledge about the author.

When we were done there was still an hour left until Laurence gets home.
"So uhh... Do you wanna do something?" I asked Gene.
"If it involves food then sure." Gene replied,
"Ok... I'll be right back." I said, I left the room, hoping that leaving Gene alone wouldn't end badly for my bedroom. I went to the kitchen and looked through the cupboards untill I found some Pringles, these'll have to do. I thought, picking them up and heading back upstairs.

Gene was sat on my bed, surprisingly he hadn't wrecked my room.
"Good to see that you haven't wrecked my room." I commented, sitting back on the beanbag, putting the Pringles in between us.
"Why would I do that?"
"I don't know... Maybe because you're Gene." I replied.
"Wow. I might be rebellious but I'm not that bad." He said.
"Prove it." I replied. He looked thoughtful for a moment.
"Hmm... I- I have cat?" He suggested.
"Oooh cute! What's it's name?" I asked.
"Oh uh, she's called Apple, I got her last month."
"Awww! I love cats!" I said.
"Me too. I have a soft spot for cute Kitties." He said.
"Me too." I replied, taking a Pringle from the pot, Gene reached forward and took one as well.
"What's your favourite flavour?" I asked.
"Of what?" Gene replied.
"Pringles?" I said.
"These ones. I don't eat any of the others." He replied.
"Oh cool!" I said, I looked at the tin to see that they were sour cream and onion flavour, I liked most Pringles so I didn't bother to look before.
"So uhh..." Gene started, he was interrupted by  the front door opening and closing downstairs. I pulled my curtain back slightly to look out of my window (which overlooks the street, to see Garroth walking away down the road, meaning that Laurence is back.

"Oh shiz!" I yell, realising that Laurence is in the house somewhere and Gene was in my bedroom.
"You ok there?" Gene asked casually, probably not realising how mad Laurence would be.
"No I'm not ok!" I said, shutting my door and leaning on it. "Laurence is back early!"

Hey everyone!

Whoof, I almost forgot I had to publish this today XD

I finally published a chapter of a book! Sorry if you've noticed the lack of chapters for my other books -.-

If I'm being totally honest I'm kind of loosing the enthusiasm to write Aphmau fanfics. Don't get me wrong, I still love Aphmau and she'll always be in my heart I just don't really want to write fanfics about it because I'm getting into other fandoms a bit and I'm going to write a fanfic for one of them.

I'm so sorry if this upset anyone BUT! I am not putting this on hold. I'm not ending it before the ending. And I ain't giving up! I'm going to continue my Aphmau fanfics untill they're done, I'm just not going to start any more except the one I promised (The Light Within the Shadow)

If you want me to write a fanfic for another fandom I'm in, check out my bio, I'll put there what fandoms I'm in an what I'll write fanfics for :)


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