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"This is bad this is bad this is very very bad!" I said,
"Y/n where are you?" I heard Laurence shout.
"He is going to kill me!" I squeaked.
"What's so bad about Laurence?" Gene asked.
"Oh I don't know?" I said sarcastically, "maybe the fact that he strictly told me to stay away from you!? He yelled at me for being in the same homeroom as you!"  I hissed.
"I didn't know Laurence could be strict." Gene said.

Someone knocked on the door.
"Y/n are you in there?" Laurence asked.
"Umm... Yes?" I replied.
"Can I come in?" He asked.
"No!" I yelled.
"Why not?"
"B-because... I'm.... Because I'm Changing!" I yelled.
"You don't sound too sure." Laurence replied.
"I'm very sure!" I replied.
"You're a terrible lier Y/n, if you don't open this door in the next three seconds then I'm coming in." Laurence said. "Three..."
"I'm not a two year old!" I hissed, Gene smirked.
"Laurence I swear to Irene!" I yelled.
"I'm dead." I said, accepting my fate.
"I'm coming in." Laurence said. He pushed the door and I pushed back, trying to keep it closed. It didn't work, as I expected. He pushed the door hard and the force pushed me backwards, I fell.
Aaah!!" I screamed as I fell. And landed on top of Gene, who awkwardly tried to catch me.

"Umm... I can explain...." I said with a nervous laugh.
"You'd better have an explanation or both of you are dead!" Laurence growled, looking at us.
"This is THE worst possible situation I could have imagined." I said.
"I agree." Said Gene.
"Why is he in this house? With you?" Laurence asked through his teeth.
"Because we were working on an English assignment." I said.
"Gene doing work? Yeah right." Laurence said.
"Hey Laurence!?" I heard Cadenza yell "Could you help me?"
"I'll be right back, if either of you move you're dead." He said before leaving,

Me and Gene scrambled to our feet as fast as we could.
"What do we do?" Gene said.
"Let's just leave while he's distracted." I said.
"Ok then." Gene replied.
"Come on "

I lead Gene past Cadenza's room where I could hear them talking, we were halfway down the stairs when Gene stood on the creaky step and it made a loud noise. I heard the talking stop.
"Run!" I whisper yelled and we both made a break for the door.
"Come on!" Said Gene once we were outside, grabbing my hand and dragging me down the street. I blushed but followed him.

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