Old Friend

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The siren rang over loudly on one of Seoul's tunnels in the middle of the night as a police car drifts every corner, chasing a motorcycle that is speeding up its pace and drifting every corner like a professional motorcyclist.

"Oh, this motherfucker ruining my peaceful midnight snack on duty!" The policeman cursed loudly as he kept his eye on the motorcycle and drifted his car the same way the rider did with its bike.

He gripped the wheels as he shifted it from left to right as swiftly as he could, so he just could not let this person go away from his sight. He just got on his shift, and as he started his first night shift hours, there, out of a sudden, a motorcycle passed by his sight like a flash in the middle of his midnight snack on his car.
He started his car's engine and took off on a turbo, trying to catch the person and warn him. But, as he honked and almost got closer, the motorcyclist just tilted his head slightly and burst out on a turbo.

"Jesus fucking Christ!." The policeman was astonished at the sudden blow of fire turbo on each side of his motorcycle, and he stopped the car for a moment; the car almost got caught in a fire by that turbo flame. He sighed in relief that his car didn't start to fire, then a sudden realization hit him as he took off again. This is trouble, he thought, chasing the motorcycle again.

The way on the tunnel has a lot of curves and pedestrian lanes also, a lot of traffic lights. And as a police officer, he must go with the rules when the traffic lights turn red.

"Goddamit! Another red again." He cursed a couple of times as the traffic light turned to stop. It's been the third stoplight he has obliged for the night, and it always happens when he almost gets to corner the motorcyclist. He shuts his eyes and sighed in frustration, but when he opened his eyes, his face frowned.

The street was very familiar, and he knew he had been here. He took a moment to glance over the crossed-style road and thought about the person he was chasing.

Black leather jacket

Matte black helmet with an open door sign.

His eyes flew wide open as he realized something. He knew where that person was heading, and he took off even before the stoplight turned into go. He turns left and speeds off; as he drives onto the quiet road, memories flashback into his mind.

His friends

The motor race they did around this street

The laughter

And all the trouble they did in this little place.

He sighed at the thought, trying to shrug it off as he tried to focus back his eyes on the road since his pace is fast and he can't destroy the car, especially the police car he is driving. He drifts the car into the last left section of the street, and he almost bumps his vehicle into the familiar motorcycle lying on the ground; it's a wheel that is still spinning like it just got crashed into something. In which, He wasn't wrong.

He stopped the car and got out of it; his eyes were still on the motorcycle. He approached it slowly, and he scanned around to see any damages from the vehicle and into a lamppost lighting over the bike. As he finished studying, he found nothing, not even a scratch; He sighed in relief until he heard a voice whimpering in pain. He turned around his head, searching for the agent until he stopped at the sight of a person shifting slowly on the side, wincing in pain.

The policeman's eyes widened, and he approached the person quickly. "Hey." He knelt and tried to reach for his nape to try to unattach his helmet from his head.

"Jungkook-ah." A weak voice spoke out inside of the helmet in, which the policeman was taken aback.

He isn't a he

His voice. No. Her voice.

He slowly opened the helmet's shield, and as the face revealed in front of him, she was already passed out, but Jungkook's heart clenched into the sight.

He remembers her.

He knows her.


Hey, you ready for this? ;) Watchu think? ^•^

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