The Incident (Part 1)

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Author's Note:

All caps begins here:


All caps end.

Anyways, thanks for waiting. If you don't remember what happened last time, go read the last chapter or two. This chapter, as the title says, is about the incident that got Sophie and Fitz exiled. Sorry for all the plotholes and stuff that doesn't make sense. If something is confusing, comment what you're confused about and I'll make some explanation up so it makes sense but doesn't make sense so yeah.......... anyways stuff might not make sense.

Sorry for all of the author's notes in the middle of the story. The author's notes are the bolded sentences in parentheses that basically say things that I need to say, otherwise people might be like 'whats this, why is this where is this' you know what I mean. The bolded text that isn't in parentheses is for emphasis (yes, I know this paragraph and the last paragraph aren't in parentheses, but you know they're author's notes. Here's an author's note inside an author's note!).

Thanks to my friend Whitetail for the idea for the incident! Their idea was really awesome, thank you so much!


Three months ago

"TELL ME!" Sophie screamed, frustrated. 

"What do you want?" 

"You know what I want, Pernille." Sophie said in a dark voice.

"I believe that's Empress to you." 

"Really? How are you still allowed to have a title after what you did?"

"The safety of my species comes before any other. If I injure a few from another species, it's regrettable, but if I need to, I will."

"A few? Your attack injured hundreds of innocent elves!"

"It was necessary."

"Necessary. Necessary? You come out of nowhere after pulling all contact with the other species,  announce you want to break the alliance, and release over 200 newborn trolls over at Foxfire, who then start attacking everyone inside!"

"Why do you care, Sophie?" Empress Pernille asked.

Angry tears started welling up in Sophie's eyes. "You almost killed one of my closest friends! Keefe is currently at home, in a coma! He can't be in a proper medical care place because you invaded Foxfire(I know there are other 'medical care places' in the elven cities but lets pretend Keefe can't be moved because he's in a coma, ok?). So you better hope he doesn't die, because the entire elven world will see you as an enemy, if they don't already. So do what I say or your world will be a whole lot worse than it is!"

"What do you want?" Empress Pernille's voice was quiet, as if she was stunned by Sophie's outburst.

Sophie took a deep breath, calming herself. "I want you to apologize to all the elves in public, get your trolls to repair the damage to Foxfire, and renounce your position as leader of the trolls. You also have to tell me why you wanted to break the alliance."

"I don't have to do anything." Empress Pernille said, and started walking off. "Where did you bring me, anyways?"

"You won't get out unless you agree to my terms."

"I disagree to your terms." Empress Pernille announced, glaring at Sophie. "Now get me out of here."

Sophie stopped. There was silence for several seconds. 

"You'll want to reconsider that. You don't want to know what will happen if you don't agree."

"Are you blackmailing me?"

"If that's what it takes."

"Then go ahead."

Sophie narrowed her eyes. "Very well. Fitz?" She called.

Fitz came out of the shadows (yay shadows and no Tam is not here its just dark in the mysterious place). "Are you sure you want to do this, Sophie?" 

"She has 30 seconds to reconsider before we do it." Sophie snapped.

"Now I'm curious. What are you going to do to me?" Empress Pernille asked.

"If you don't reconsider within, ah, 23-nope 22-oops 21-well you know what I mean, I'm going to break your mind to get the information I need."

"And what information are you going to get out of me?" Empress Pernille asked, seemingly trying to not look worried.

"Everything that's important. Don't bother trying to hide anything, I'll find it no matter what. I'm not going to bother fixing your mind afterwards, so you won't come back. After all, I am the moonlark and I'm the only one who could fix you." Sophie snarled (yes snarled ok).

"Your precious Black Swan could always make another of you."

Sophie thought for a couple of seconds. "They wouldn't. You know why? Because never mind. It's been more than 30 seconds. Will you reconsider?"


"Fine." Sophie looked at Fitz. "Ready?"

"Only if you're sure."

"Are you sure you want to do this? We'll probably be exiled for this." 

"It'll be ok. We'll have each other, right?" Fitz says, reaching for Sophie's hand and squeezing it.

"Ok. Let's do it."

"Well. What an adorable lover's talk. Are you going to do it or not?" Empress Pernille asked. 

(I have no idea how minds get broken so bear with me as I make a random scene up)

With an expressionless look on her face, Sophie walked towards Pernille, who stood up as she approached. Fitz followed close behind. 

"Hold her, please." Sophie said to Fitz.

"You're going to regret this." Empress Pernille shouted as she struggled against Fitz's grasp.

Sophie leaned over, placed her fingers on Empress Pernille's temples, and said "It's necessary," in a mocking tone.

Then she dove into Empress Pernille's mind.

Author's Note:

Thanks for your patience and hope you liked the chapter! I'm not sure when or if I'm going to finish this story. I've found I'm not liking Keeper as much as I did before Legacy, and I've gotten more involved in other books. If a lot of people want me to continue the story (and by a lot I mean probably around 15 lol) I might. Otherwise, I'll probably just post one more chapter basically summing up what the rest of the story would be, and people could think up separate ideas from the main idea about what would happen after! I will probably try to finish the rest of the incident regardless, so people know what happened, but I'm not sure when it will come out. Thanks for reading this long message and the long message at the start, and have a great second/minute/hour/day/week/fortnight/month/year/life!

(Wow I actually had over 1000 words. I mean, with all of the Author's Notes, it's not surprising, but 1000 words. That's more than my school assignments!)


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