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"Sophie Elizabeth Foster and Fitzroy Avery Vacker. You have hereby been banished from The Lost Cities. Goblins will escort you to The Forbidden Cities after your memory altering." Councillor Emery said.

"Wait, WHAT?" Exclaimed Keefe, jumping up. "You never said their memories would be altered!"

"Mr. Sencen, rules are rules. I'm sorry. This has never happened before, but The Ancients accounted for this. We cannot make exceptions no matter how special the person in question is."

"I can't believe this! This can't-"

"Keefe" came a soft whisper. "It's okay. We deserve it."

"No! Sophie! You can't agree to this! Your crime wasn't serious enough to take away your whole life!" Keefe looked at Fitz. "This isn't possible. You're telling me they are allowed to just banish you?"

"Mr. Sencen. Please stop shouting or we will have to remove you from the premises. We will be explaining the specifics next."

"Fine". Subdued, Keefe sat down.

"When this hearing is done, you will have two hours to meet and say goodbye to your family and friends. Once those two hours are over, you will be escorted to a physician that will make you look like a human. A Washer will then come to change your memory. Then, you will be brought to the Forbidden Cities. If there is ever a reason for us to believe you have served you term, we will bring you back and your memory will be restored." Emery said. "Do you agree to these terms?"

"Yes." Came Sophie's voice.

"Yes." Came Fitz's voice.

"Very well" murmured Emery. "This hearing is adjourned."

Author's Note:

Hello! So this is the first chapter of my fanfic! Hope you liked it. As for the 'major crime' Sophie and Fitz committed, more on that later! :)


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