Master Jeon 7: Let's Make an Agreement

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Almost a year, my ass.

Jungkook sent me out of the office with his strange request so he could shove his tongue down Jimin's throat. The realization unsettled me, though I knew there had to have been something between them. Jimin made it sound like it was lightyears ago and they were just friends, so why were they kissing?

My chest hurt badly.


Lying in bed later that night, I found myself wide awake as my mind ran two million miles around the sun. I'd be lying if I told you that I hadn't avoided Jungkook for the rest of the day after I caught him kissing Jimin. I had no right to be angry though, he didn't have to tell me they had slept together, or if they were still. I wasn't entitled to know every little thing about Jimin's life, even if he told me one thing and did another. What hurt more was the fact that Jungkook was virtually unavailable. I knew it was wrong to pine for my boss, even after just 48 hours, but I couldn't help it. Jungkook was everything in a man that I could want. Intelligent, Polished, devilishly handsome, generous, stern but charming, and not to mention everything he was passionate about. He had a beautiful voice, a rare, but heartwarming laugh and a smile that could put all of the suns to shame. I had already begun to develop feelings for him, but I knew I couldn't compete with the history he had with Jimin.

I was aware of the short time I'd known Jungkook, but there was something about him. I just knew what I felt was real, but my hope was shot to hell when I saw him locking lips with my best friend.

My heart was pounding agonizing as I thought about Jungkook and all of the amazing things he was worth. Yes, it had only been two days, but I wanted it to be more. I wanted to know him on a deeper level. I wanted to make him laugh and cry and I wanted him to get angry enough to punish me. The sinful thought sprinted past my frontal lobe without much resistance.

Jungkook was a dominant and I was okay with that, more than okay. In fact, I wanted everything that came along with him and the only person that was standing in the way of that was the man who'd been there for me through the roughest times of my life, someone who cared about and trusted me. I should be happy for him, supportive even, but I just couldn't be.

I tossed and turned in the silk sheets before finally deciding to get out of bed. There was no way I was going to sleep in this state, so I tiptoed into the kitchen, through the living room and slid open the giant glass door to the balcony.

The night sky was clear and the breeze was light and refreshing, the perfect temperature. I sat down in the circular swing chair that hung from the railings of Jungkook's bedroom balcony, pushing my legs and staring out into the night lights of New York. I sighed and began to sing lightly.

It was studied that singing improved the immune system and was also a natural antidepressant, releasing dopamine to the brain. I knew all about that. It can also help with sleep, everything I needed at that moment.

I had gotten so deep into the song that I didn't notice the volume of my voice as it carried throughout the beams. Nobody from the lower apartment ever complained about the noise, so I just ignored everything and sang myself to sleep. I had no idea when I dozed off, but I didn't leave that swinging chair until the sun met me the next morning. 


When the pigeons cooed and the sun began to emerge from the other side of the world, I awoke to a soft blanket draped over my body and an equally characterized pillow beneath my head.

I set my bare feet down on the chilly concrete and stood, surprised by the absence of tightness or pain in my joints. When I opened the glass door to go back in, Jungkook was in the kitchen standing over the stove.

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