Training Mr Right

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The door opened and the boys waited in anticipation. It was a petite young girl, in her sports leggings and top, her hair bundled up on top. Her shoes were the latest Nike design, and so were her attire.

So, this was the talked about Coach Shen Yue nicknamed "Ice Queen." Some called her the "coach from hell." Others said she was a man-hater, torture master and they overheard the girls calling her "The Psychic Coach", as she was rumored to read people's minds. Why on earth did their boss request her to train their friend? 

"But she is cute." Kuan whispered and put on his best smile. He likes cute petite girls. "Well, at least she looks fitter than the last trainer he had." Kang reminded. They all nodded. That trainer was all talk and could not even run a 5km with them.

They turned to look at their friend, whom they half-dragged to the gym, to meet the person who would soon change his life. Fingers-crossed.

Her big brown eyes bored into theirs with expectation and coolness.

"Good morning, boys. My name is Shen Yue. Your boss had briefed me that this is a very important assignment." They nodded in silence.

"I would like to know how important is this assignment. And which one of you is the person I need to train?" She said eyeing the boys in front of her. She had their profiles memorized before the appointment.

The four of them debuted as models after a supermodel contest in China about 3 years ago. Since then, they were fondly known as F4, with F stands for 'friend.'

Liang Jin Kang, the tallest among the four, was a store promoter (he is most fond of promoting the popcorn machine and other household items) before he joined the contest for fun. His honest, boyish looks earned him popularity among the young and the older housewives who frequent the store to catch a glimpse of his promoting 'performance'. Because of his height, they called him 'Long' Jin Kang. Or 'Long Kang'.
(In Bahasa Melayu, my country language, longkang means drain. I promise it is just a coincidence 😂)

Chen Kuan Hoong was doing some advertisements and worked part-time as a beach lifeguard when someone scouted him after he had saved his son from drowning. On weekends, young girls would flock to the beach to get an eye on him who was popular for his boy-next-door smile. Some of them even pretended to drown to get his attention.

Wu Xi Ze, was a handsome but bored junior engineer when he was tricked by his friend, to join the contest. He was told that if he joined, he would have gotten a lifetime of free vouchers to the local supermarket. Xi Ze could be that frugal and gullible. But he was known in the industry for his diligence and professionalism.

And the last F4 member, the friend who tricked Xi Ze was Wang He Di, former athlete from a sports university, reputed to be most shuai since he won the first place. He was also rumoured as a 'woman killer'. All he needed to charm anyone was to give his piercing stare or his signature smile. Wang was versatile, he could be the cool guy or the boy next door. When he won, almost overnight, his Weibo account reached 1 million followers. But where is he today?

Xi Ze smiled. "Coach...this is important for us as we have a proposed contract renewal with an international company but they wanted to sign all four of us....The problem is....."

Kuan then chipped in..."our friend Wang He Di is unfit at this moment."

"Define unfit, Kuan" Shen Yue asked. How did she know my name? thought Kuan. He cleared his throat. "When you see him, you will know. We need your help to fix him."

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