The Boss

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"What do we have here, boys?

A figure emerged from the dark and Dylan looked up. He realized his hands were tied up, and he was in a kneeling position. He moved his body but it was painful. He grimaced when he realized he was licking his own blood on his lower lip.

"Boys, what did I say about violence? Is it necessary? Especially with a handsome face like this." the voice was between coarse and sultry. She looked petite standing in the shadows.

The lady peered down at him and held his chin. He noticed her eyes.

"Shen Yue!"

"You know me?" She raised her eyebrow.

"Shen Yue, it's me. What's going on?" Dylan asked, surprised.

Shen Yue was looking at him icily, like he was a stranger. Her hair was slicked back and she had dark red lipstick. She was wearing a thick overcoat, with black and white large diagonal stripes. Her eyes penetrated him. Those forest lake eyes.

"We have no choice, boss. We found him snooping around the back alley and he refused to say anything. So we had to resort to this," said Wu Xi Ze.

Dylan looked at his friend. He was in a black trench coat with dark glasses on, his hands were in his pocket. He stood tall and cold.

"Xi Ze, buddy, what's all this? Where am I?"

"Stop talking, you punk!" he responded curtly.

Shen Yue turned his chin left and right. "What are you doing here, handsome? Are you a spy?"

"A spy? No, I'm not. Shen Yue, it's me Didi."

"Didi?" She scoffed, letting go of his face and crossed her arms. "What a wimpy name. Don't you have a real name?"

"Wang He Di. I'm your boyfriend..I mean your best friend." He tried to smile, through the pain.

"I don't know such person."

Kuan Hoong came forward and handed Boss Shen an envelope. "We found this in his pocket. It's a letter written by your father."

"My father??" Her voice seemed shaken.

She took the letter and scanned it. She grabbed Dylan on his collar and shouted "Tell me, do you know who killed my father?"

"Your father?"

"Are you deaf?! I asked how did you get this letter and who killed my father?" she shook him.

For a small woman like her, she was strong, Dylan thought. He was now sure that he is in a different realm (how the heck did he get here?) and Shen Yue in this world is not the one he knew.

"Why don't you tell me more about your father? I want to be sure we are talking about the same person?" Dylan was now playing along. She glared at him and then released her hold.

"Very well. I'm not an unreasonable person. Father was killed years ago. He was trying to legalize our triad's business and I came back from London to assist him. But many other groups were opposed to it. However, father persisted and he almost succeeded but that day...." she drifted off.

"What happened?" Dylan asked. He was curious. This sounded like story likely taken from a Chinese drama.

Wu Xi Ze continued, "He was found dead in his study room. He was believed to have killed himself."

"Father would never kill himself! He was adamant about uniting the triad and he will not stop trying!" Her voice went hoarse and Dylan could see she was on the verge of crying.

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