Homecoming Specials

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*Sequel to "What Happened in Shanghai"

"Do you have any friends who are health experts?" the interviewer asked.

"Does footbath count? If yes, then Shen Yue. She gave us a portable foot bath each. Now Wu Yi-Ge, Ma Si Chao and myself are into foot baths!"

 Now Wu Yi-Ge, Ma Si Chao and myself are into foot baths!"

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Yue smiled. Sha zi (silly boy). Aren't you afraid of fans bashing you?

She was surprised and secretly pleased at his mentioning of her at that interview. Out of all his friends, she must be the weirdest health freak he knew. She touched her face and felt that her mud mask was drying up, while both her feet were soaking in a new herbal concoction she got from her neighborhood Chinese sinseh.

She continued scrolling through saved videos of Dylan. After he confessed to her in Shanghai, their relationship or rather her feelings towards him had taken a new turn. She had missed him. Everyday, she would scroll Weibo or Instagram for his latest photos or videos. She took time to compile all of their photos and videos together in her phone, as if to make time stand still. Being together with him was precious and she did not want to miss any of it. Their conversation via video call earlier rang in her mind.

"I'm sorry Yue, they changed my schedule again and I had to attend the Swarovski event after Italy. After that, it will be more traveling and work for me." He said apologetically.

"It's okay, Didi. Work comes first," she responded, biting her lower lip to stop her tears.

Dylan leaned close to the screen, giving her a knowing look "I promise we will meet up soon, okay? Do you believe me?"

"Yes, I do," She smiled.

"If it makes you feel better, check out my new Tik Tok video moves." He started showing her some funny dance moves which caused Yue to laugh.

She closed her eyes as she felt her muscles relaxing. She must have dozed off for a few seconds, in the sitting position, when she was awakened by the beep sound of her apartment door. Someone just keyed in her passcode. Who can it be? Yang jie? But she did not have the access card to her apartment floor. The only other person who had it was him. It's impossible. But could it be....?

She jumped up, and wiped her feet on the floor mat hastily, then dashed out when that someone opened the door and called "Shen Yue, are you home?"

A tall guy in black jacket appeared from behind the door, his AJs stepped in, and he peered in with his face hiding behind his mask.

"Wang He Di!"

"Shen Yue?"

He took one look at her and burst into laughter.

She was dressed in an oversized shirt all the way to her knee. Is she wearing a very short shorts or nothing underneath? Dylan thought. Her feet looked dark colored and of course, her face was covered in mud leaving her big brown eyes peering through the mask and her mouth looked like a big O.

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