What Happened in Shanghai Pt 4

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Yue woke up groggily.

She looked at the clock. 6am. The van will be arriving at 7am.

Okay, I still have time. She fell back onto the white sheets and closed her eyes.

Bang, bang, bang!!

"Shen Yue, open the door!"

Her eyes flew open. 6.45am!!!

Oh shit shit shit!!!

She ran to the door and there stood Dylan, looking fresh and smiling.

"Eh, you just woke up? Our transport is coming in 15 minutes."

"Urgh, I hate you! Why didn't you call me?" Yue complained.

"I did. You didn't pick up my call. Or Yang Jie's. She asked me to check on you." he shrugged.

"I shouldn't have drank last night! Can you wait for me? I will get ready now."

"Yeah, sure," he said letting himself in, plopping on the sofa in the suite. The management of the ICON magazine had arranged each of them a suite at a nice hotel, just 10 minutes from the actual shooting location. This was one of the nicest places he had stayed for work so far. Thanks to Netflix for popularizing their drama Meteor Garden worldwide, so they had opportunities to work with international magazines and agencies.

The tiny woman had ran back into her bedroom and within seconds, he could hear her shower.

About 5 minutes later, she came out, in an oversized baggy shirt and pants, while drying her hair with a towel.

"Okay, I'm ready."

Dylan raised his eyebrow.

"That soon? Did you really shower? You don't wanna scare everyone away at the photoshoot." He teased.

Yue glared at him. "I did! But I'm so hungry now. I wished we had time for breakfast."

"Here, I got your breakfast and some hungover meds. I think you need it." He shoved her a paper bag. "And Xi Ze just texted me. Van will be here at 730am. So you can still have breakfast."

She gave a delighted squeal and peeped in the bag to see what he got her. Cheese sandwich! Anything cheesy is her favourite.

Dylan looked at her naked face without make up. So pretty. So natural. He loved her best like this when she just woke up or getting ready for bed. He thanked his lucky stars that he had privilege to catch it a few times during MG filming. And now. Gosh, he missed her.

"Come, let me dry your hair. You don't want to catch a cold." Dylan offered.

He led her into the bathroom and took the dryer, turned her around with her back facing him and started drying her hair.

"Hmm, this is nice for a change." She smiled, closing her eyes.


"This. No bullying me. Just pampering."

"Don't get use to it. I have not warm up my bullying yet." Dylan smiled.

"I knew it!" She pouted.

"Enjoy while it last," he smirked.

Yue was indeed enjoying this moment. His long fingers going through her hair caused her to go into a calm and peaceful mood. As he expertly lift up her hair section by section and blow it dry, she started to have a warm sensation in her stomach. Am I having gastric? He accidentally touched her neck and she shivered. Dylan noticed that but continued his duty quietly. They could only heard the sound of the dryer.

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