What Happened in Shanghai Pt 2

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Shen Yue arrived at the entrance of the building. At that time, not many people were around that area so nobody noticed her at all. She was dressed up in black, with her mask and hat. Her cat purse was sticking out from her jacket. Summer that year was quite warm but she still needed the jacket for disguise. She also had another bag which she carefully handled.

Where is he? He is late.

Yue took out her phone and typed a message.

Didi, where are you?

After a few seconds, she heard a ping.

Around the corner turning in. Wait me at the side entrance. Someone will bring us up.


As she walked around the building to the side, she could see a black van turning in. The door opened and a tall slim figure in black stepped out. He too was wearing a hat, mask and black jacket, with a black bag over his shoulder. She smiled. Tonight, they were matching ninjas.

The figure took long strides towards her, took her arm and escorted her to the side entrance. A man was waiting for them, nodded and urged them in. Once inside the lift, both of them sighed in relief and removed their masks.

Yue smacked his arm. "Why did you make me wait, idiot? I thought you are not coming!"

"I'm really sorry. I underestimated the travel time from the airport to the hotel and here. I had to drop off Pipi. I should have come straight after I landed." Dylan apologized profusely.

"You better make up for it, buddy!" Yue crossed her arm pretending to be mad.

"I will," he said pulling her close to him and kissed her on the forehead.

"Hey, no kissing or touching."

"What? You didn't object the last time!"

"Because this time you were late for our meet-up."

"Okay, you win. Don't regret what you say!" Dylan putting his arms up.

Yue stuck out her tongue at him.

Once the doors opened to the rooftop, they stopped bickering. They breathed in the cool air and the lights surrounding the Shanghai skyline. Memories of their last filming here flooded Yue and without knowing why, her eyes started to well up. She sniffed, her hand brushed her eyes but Dylan saw it.

"Good old memories, huh?"

She nodded.

"I got this place for 2 hours before they close it up. Let's make it count!"

Yue did not even notice Dylan putting out a mat on the floor.

"Hey, come here. I wanna show you something."

"Wow, Didi! You really went all out." Yue beamed.

"Boyfriend's duty," he boasted.

"Your girlfriend must be very lucky," she teased.

Dylan laughed and winked "Yes, whoever she is." Yue rolled her eyes and sat down comfortably next to him. She was secretly pleased that he put in so much effort for tonight.

He took out a box from his bag and shoved it to her. "This one is for you. I got it in Japan but never had a chance to pass to you. Sorry it took me this long."

"Wow, thanks! I am flattered. Can I open it?" Yue exclaimed

Dylan nodded.

"Nike shoes!!! So nice and it's my size!"

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