Little One (Leighade G!P)

Start from the beginning

I close the door behind me and when I look up, I freeze. There stood Leigh, staring down at something in her hand with an expression I can't explain. I already know what she's holding and my stomach drops.

I notice her hand was shaking a bit and she swallows before turning her head towards me. I feel the dam flooding my eyes, my bottom lip beginning to tremble.

"Jade...?" She says in a quiet, shaky voice. Tears fall down my face and I don't bother to wipe them this time. I just let them fall.

"Is... are you-... when did-," she stammers, not able to find the right question. "I-," I start in a broken voice, almost sobbing on the spot.

"I took it yesterday before... before rehearsals," I finally get out. She looks back down at it, shaking her head slightly. "How?... We...," she mumbles to herself. "No... we didn't that time," I say softly. She doesn't look my way, just continues to stare at the test.

"You're pregnant... I got you pregnant...," she whispers in disbelief, again more to herself than to me.

I release a soft sob, wanting to just run away, but I knew I couldn't.

She finally sets the test down, looking at me, "Baby," she says gently, coming towards me and wrapping her arms around me. I break down into her neck, letting my tears hit her skin as I allow small sobs pass my lips.

"I'm sorry," I cry. She grabs my shoulders, pulls back, and looks me dead in the eyes, "Jade, this isn't your fault or a fault in general. We both did this. There's no need to cry, my love."

Her hand caresses my face at the last sentence, clearing my cheek of the salty wetness.

I drop my gaze to my feet and she lifts my chin up to look back at her. She smiles at me gently, earning her one as well, but mine being weak.

She puts a caring hand on my stomach, rubbing it lightly. "Does Pez and Jesy know?" I nod and she hums, "A'right. I wanna make sure, though. We'll find a clinic in our next city to be safe. If you are pregnant, then we're gonna take care of it together."

Her smile doesn't fade.

"What if I'm not?" She chuckles, "Then we're gonna have to be more careful and wear protection every single time." I giggle a bit, "You're right."

A Week Later


I almost faint at what the doctor had just told us.

Jade's pregnant... with my kid. I was told when I was 18 that it's a rare chance that I could bare children, but it wasn't impossible.

I try to focus on the screen that shows a small fetus wiggling a bit in her womb. Her hand was tight in mine, feeling a little clammy due to nerves.

"That's our baby," she whispers brokenly, voice thick with tears. She looks up at me, a smile trying to appear on her face, but her lip was trembling too much.

"Jade, are you okay?" I ask dumbly, but to my surprise, she nods with a giggle. "I'm more than okay. I'm so happy," she brings my hand to her lips and pecks my knuckles, getting a little wetness on them.

"You are?" She nods, more tears streaming down her beautiful face. The closer I look at her, the more I notice the subtle glow her skin radiates. "Sooner than I wished, but I regret nothing," she admits, wiping her face with my hoodie sleeve that I let her borrow.

The doctor turns off the monitor then helps Jade in cleaning the gel stuff off of her stomach.

When we left, we got into a taxi and the driver takes us to our tour bus. I keep my hand on her stomach the entire time, a goofy smile on my face.

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