Chapter 2-A new Creation and Frying a Phoenix

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Genagax: wow that are some cool moves.

Aleon:yes and as your type is Steel/Dragon/Psychic you can learn other moves from it.

Genagax: Thank you Father.

Aleon:your welcome my child, now then Genesect I want you to escort him to the new region and tell him everything he needs to know.

Genesect: yes Father.

As they left I then look at Mewtwo and then spoke.

Aleon:as for you Mewtwo I want you to 99 more of them 50 female s and 49 males as we already have one male and after that you can take a rest for a while before you resume back to work.

Mewtwo:yes Father.

Aleon:good I'll be going now then you may also go now Giratina.

Giratina: yes Father.

I then left and teleported back to the castle and who head to my room and when I arrive their I immediately saw my wife sitting on the bed(A/N:just use your imaginations)

Lillie: are you just going to stand their darling?

That made me snap out of my stupor and then immediately lock the door and put a sound barrier.(A/N:again just use your imagination)

The next day I was in my office finishing the paperwork my wife delivered.

Aleon:well that's the last of it is there are there I should finnish Lillie.

Lillie:no but I suggest you should visit Yasaka for a while.

Aleon:I guess so it has been 1000 years since I last seen her.

Lillie: good then I will see you later then love.

Aleon:and where are you going?

Lillie: it's a secret.

She said while smirkng deviously before disappears immediately and I just sigh heavily she probably was planning  something that will make me involve in it ,I just teleported my self to Kyoto.

And I arrive beside an alleyway with no one in sight, I then went out and began to walk while ignoring the stare giving to me by the females around me until 15 minutes of walking I felt a barrier in front of me.

I walk through the barrier and then saw many Youkais and Pokemons walking around and I could say something have change to what it is supposed to be in the anime.

I then head to a forest nearby while walking around I could see a female Youkais that looks like 10 years hiding in atop a tree while observing me after 15 minutes of walking I arrive at the shrine and stood there observing the whole area while doing so I could see the small Youkai hiding in the bushes.

Aleon:you can come out now Kunou.

This made the little girl flinch and jump out of hiding while looking at me with a terrified expression.

Kunou:who are you h-how did you kn-

I cut her when I spoke again.

Aleon:know your name little Kunou or should i say daughter of Yasaka the leader of the Youkai Faction.

This made her cute little jaw drop.

Kunou:what-but how I mean we haven't even met?

Aleon:that is for me to know and for you to find out.

Just then I sense several Youkais heading over to us and one of them is familiar to me.

Aleon:well I guess we have company I see you later Kunou.

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