Before The Maze

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The sand was whipping all around us as Newt, his father, and I spend through the Scorch. His father was now driving as fast as the rover would go trying our hardest to shake off WICKED who was on our tail. We were heading to the right arm where Newt and I wouldn't be treated like guinea pigs ever again, but unfortunately WICKED had caught wind of them being in the area. I was in a panic my heart beating like crazy as gunshots whizzed by, but Newt kept his arm around me keeping me secure and comforting me. "We're almost to the meeting point!" Newt's dad yelled over the roar of the engine. I couldn't feel at ease at this moment though not with WICKED following so close behind

The WICKED rovers sped up behind us and my heart dropped, and I felt the tears begin to well in my eyes. They would hunt every last one of us down for their cure... They would kill a whole generation if it meant they'd survive. Newt's grip tighten on my arm "I love you, (Y/n)," Newt told me before he kissed the top of my hair, as his father tries to lose the vehicles that followed behind us I knew we couldn't lose them unless we made them wreck. I looked into Newt's big brown eyes as a tear slipped down my cheek. "I love you too, Newt," I tell him before I cup his cheek in my hand and press a firm kiss to his lips.

When we pulled back he held fear in his eyes "I promise you'll be okay," He whispered tears fell from my cheeks but I knew what he meant by those words, and shook my head clinging to him. "No, we'll be okay. We can get away," I tell him almost pleading with him. Newt looked at his dad and his dad said "Newt, are you sure? I can still try and lose them," he told him not stopping the rover yet. But there was nowhere to lose them "Keep, (Y/n) safe," Newt spoke sternly but his words were anything but comforting. I knew this would be the last time I'd see Newt... I don't know how he ever convinced his father to do this. I had to choke back a sob as I felt the rover begin to slow and the WICKED rovers pulled on both sides of us.

We all stood with our hands up, as WICKED began shouting at us. Three men with guns began approaching us, and I felt anxiety flood my veins. Newt steps out in front of us walking towards the gunmen. Two of them immediately grab him and pull his arms behind his back "Go!" Newt shouts as they begin to pull him toward the vehicle. I start to move and have to stop myself from looking back as I hear Newt begin to struggle. I hear a shot fire and watch as Newt's father drops to the ground with a bullet hole in his head.

I scream and hurry to the safety of the rover, but I can't help but look back to Newt whose now crying as he fights the two men holding him. I scream again when I see the one man with a gun take aim at me "(Y/n) Go!" Newt shouts again his voice broken and then the shot rings out and I clutch at my arm. I hurry and turn the key and slam my foot on the gas, I sob as I drive, not from the pain in my arm but the mere knowledge of what I'm driving away from. The sound of gunshots can be heard behind me until I can't see the gruesome behind me anymore.

As I drove I grieved the loss of a man who acted like my father and the love of my life. I knew I'd never see them again, and it broke my heart, but now I needed to survive if not for myself, then for Newt. I hunted day and night for the right arm but only Newt's dad knew where the meetup point was. I drove until the rover gave out and stumbled into a little society that was already falling apart. The world had definitely changed, and not for the better.

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