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Corina pov

Me and Cesar were being marched back, from the general hq office and his home, that was. Part of the army building that was abandoned, I thought to myself. As i felt the chains being pulled by the guard named preacher and other donkey soldier named. red, I spoke up as we walked " don't believe him, his son Eric died of a gunshot wound to the head he was fired by him. Than i heard him asked, ''How do you know ?" he asked me, " I saw him do that" i simply answer him, in the moment. Than we were a couple feet from each other, they took him into another pen that was by himself. And alone, I thought as I was pushed back into the pen with the adult apes and my girls.


It was cold and winter night i thought as i was waiting for Cesar. And Corina, had been taken all day long, since that wall thing, Cesar. Was only trying to help that old ape, that hurt himself than headed up being killed by. The general, than order them being string up on the cross they had been whipped. Until night, came than were cut down and brought back to the general hq. I started to pray and hope, wish they were coming back with them alive and well. I thought as I pace and back, forth i thought to myself. I heard voices , " look their, it's Corina and Cesar, they are still alive" I heard, I felt thankful them coming back alive.

~~~~ Kim pov

Cesar and Corina were back except for the fact that they were away from each other, Cesar was kept into. alone pen, away from the adult pen and away from the children pen, it was only young apes. We knew Cesar son Cornelius , was kept in that one, it was sad to think about that in the moment. As Corina was push into the pen where we were at, before they locked the door, to the pen she looked behind her and she took a moment . to look at Cesar and where he was being kept at the moment, than she walked over when she did. Than Corina spoke up and asked " what happened ?" she asked Corina.

~~~ haley pov

I asked Corina, " what happened ?" she answered, " well it was the same thing, you know about his son, Eric. Death, son thing ...selling a good story to someone. That doesn't know him or saw what he did at the time " she said, as she sat on the cold frozen ground of the pen. She was looking up towards the sky, i look up i was wanting to see what she was looking at the moment. It was the beautiful winter sky, the stars and the moon, it was the full moon, the type of the moon you used to be able to send in a text. I thought to myself i stare into anything give me hope in this hopeless place. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2019 ⏰

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