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( user09232320 creepypasta14 )

Corina pov

A long day of being wet and then strength up on these things or crosses they call them. My arms was throbbing and they felt numb. I thought my back stinging and burning sensation thanks to being whipped. For standing up for Cesar and him standing up for his apes. It was awful this was every day, after being cut down. By the worst donkey, red he's bad as the human soldiers here. They put chains around my ankle and my ankles and forced to walk to the general lovely home or office aka the hellhole.  Great i thought to myself in the moment.

We walked inside, i heard old rock music being played and the soldier preacher was walking with us. As well with donkey aka red, on the wall written all over again was history, history and history. Creepy wallpaper i thought to myself he had a map on a table with markson them. Meaning something,  " stop the work, i started to kill the apes one by one. Understand ? i need that wall . " he order the both of us " cesar was studying him and he spoke softly and slowly. " they get food and when they finished their work " he yelled out at cesar. I thought to myself when they are in the afterlife.

He looked at us, than cesar spoke the same thing, " give apes food and water or they cannot finished" he look at " your everything i hate, what makes you think your in position to make demands ?" preacher wanted to take us out of her but cesar kept speaking " the soldiers who are coming here ...they are not coming to join you are they ?" cesar asked. It's true the general they hate us wrose and hate him wayyyyy wrose. I thought to myself as i heard cesar speak " i saw soldiers getting ready for battle " she said. I saw the preacher with cesar, " they told me you were smart, but that's impressive no, they won't be joining me." he said, than cesar said " they are against you ?" yes more than anything i thought to myself. " they fear me ?" he answer. Than cesar asked why, i wanted to said a) he's crazy. b) there no () flu and c) him and his doctor friend, to cure people cut people vocal cords. Thinking they are curing people but they aren't. I heard the General speak up " because you kill your own men" i nodded yes at cesar, please don't go this lie rant about your son General i prayed to myself in this moment.

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