"What do you mean? " Rayna was puzzled.

"Just pray to God, he don't lay his eyes on you" Fatima winked, opening the door and entering the class.

Friday meant early classes, almost everyone had a class at 7.00. The parking area was loaded as she walked passed it.

Beginning to hear loud music, Rayna turned her head to see a big, white jeep heading her way. She had to jump back to dodge the corner of vehicle as the brakes squealed into park.

Rayna stood in shock from the close call, her heart began to pound. She knew exactly who was driving when a girl exited the jeep along with two of her friends.

Sabah, it was hard for her to even say Sabah's name in her head.

"Oh my gosh, I didn't see you" Sabah said, sarcastically through her snickering

Raynah took a golden opportunity of being able to talk back. She didn't get many chances.

"Oh, my gosh. Really? Maybe you need glasses. Quick, how many fingers am I holding up? " Rayna stuck up her middle finger then heard muffled laughs.

Sabah storming inside with her side chicks gave a weird satisfaction to Rayna.

Sabah was her step sister, her father was married to another woman, and it wasn't a problem until they decided to confiscate their rights on the family property after her father's death.

A shiver ran through her spine as the cold breeze touched her , the empty bus station sank in fog scared her a bit, she would have left college early the next bus isn't gonna arrive any soon.

She heard some vague sounds of hoating and laughing that increased with every passing second. It only increased the fear of her lonliness.
"Hi, Sista! "
Shit. Sabah, how can she forget her. Of course she wasn't gonna let her go that easily. "Want a ride back home? " She shouted through her car.

"No! Thanks, I don't wanna get locked up, since you are in a desperate need of an eye checkup" an instant regret ran through her.

"You forget your place didn't you?" Sabah menacing existance was acknowledge by Rayna as she decided to remain quiet this time. She leisurely came out of her car, and rested her back on it, She wispered something to the boy standing beside her, Rayna didn't have anytime to respond as he strided towards her and snatched her bag, She tried to fight back, by leaving many curses and punches, but how long she can fight alone, even when clenched by two other girls.

"Now, enjoy a ride back home. Or maybe you can beg someone for a dollar or two? " Rayna's hope crashed as engine roared and the car disspeared in the fog.

She turned and was fumed to see Izad standing behind enjoying the whole scenerio, "You, piece of shit!" She yelled. "You were standing right there,couldn't you help!!" Rayna was in utter panick and was in the verge of shedding tears, she literally scratched herself by three people.

Her tears felled in anger, when she saw Izad casually shrugging his shoulder. "You didn't ask for help"
She really wanted to kick his balls.

Exasperated, she sat on the bench and buried her face in her hands, her heart burned at the feeling of being screwed up, the cold didn't bother her any longer. Her tears made their way out after which her heart felt light and she clamed a bit.
She felt him sat beside her and a wave of digust rushed through her, turning her face away from him, she saw his hand streched towards her with a tissue. " I'm not crying " she spat.

"I never said you are, it's for your running nose" her head shot to glare Izad who was clearly trying to suppress his laugh. She snatched the tissue and cleaned her nose, her hands itched to smack his face.

After a while the bus pulled in and both looked at each other, Izad stood and took a few steps towards the bus, Rayna eyes were desperately dancing between him and the vehicle, both were her only hope. "Do you wanna miss it? " Izad yelled. Rayna shook her head and bowed.

"I don't have any money."

"That's fine, I'm here. Come. " He curled his fingers, gesture her to follow him.


"I need to welcome some guests, can I trust you with her?" Meher yelled in Izad's ear, whose eyes were stuck into Rayna's his hand still in her's.
He squeezed her hand a bit on which Rayna shot her head up to look into his dark orbs.

"It's fine, I'm here. " He said,


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Love you all.

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