Dinner Party (16)

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My alarm goes off, scaring the shit out of me but at least it wakes me up.
I groan out of annoyance as I walk to my closet, pulling out today's outfit; a long sleeved pink crop top, sheer leggings and a dark grey flared skirt.
After getting dressed I pull my hair up into a high ponytail. Following that I put my everyday makeup on and then brush my teeth. Before heading to the kitchen to eat breakfast, I slip on my leather jacket and grab my backpack.
"Morning," I chirp as I pass Collin in the kitchen.
He tosses me a banana. "Morning. Charlie's already waiting in Billy's car."
I raise my eyebrows. "Wow. That's... surprising. Y'know, I find it kind of odd how you're okay with this. The whole Billy driving us to school thing."
Collin shrugs. "I still hate him, but he's saving me gas money."
I laugh. "Of course." I then leave out the front door and climb into the front seat of the camero.
I kiss Billy's cheek. "Morning!"
"Someone's in a good mood." Says Max.
"I'm actually not, I'm just trying to psych myself up for the horrible day that follows." I slump in my seat & Billy starts speeding us off to school.
"Is it working?" Billy cracks a smile.

In English class, I get so unbelievably bored during the stupid lecture about Huckleberry Finn, the book we're reading in class. I soon find myself drawing cartoons in sharpie on Billy's forearm.
He's so bored too, so he doesn't even care. He just watches as I draw stupid shit on his wrist.
"Miss Wilson!" The teacher snaps me out of my daze. "Quit drawing on Mr. Hargrove's arm! You're disrupting my class."
I raise an unamused eyebrow at her. Whatever.
"How is this disrupting the class?" Billy demands.
"I- You're both not paying attention, which to me is disrupting the class." The teacher struggles to find an appropriate answer.
Billy rolls his eyes. "We're literally just keeping to ourselves."
"I- don't talk back to me, Mr. Hargrove! Now both of you, pay attention."
Billy just chuckles. "She's got her panties in a twist."
"Shh!" I laugh.
"Nah. Let's get the hell out of here. If I have to hear one more thing about how great this stupid ass book is, I'll literally kill myself." He says.
I raise an eyebrow. "You wanna ditch in the middle of class?"
He just smirks.
I groan. "Fine."
We pack up our stuff and walk out of the class while the teacher yells at us to sit back down.
We run to his car and make out for a bit.
Billy turns the keys to start the car and I pull away.
"I can't leave campus," I say. "I have a test in History."
He groans. "Fuck. I don't wanna stay."
"It'll be fine," I tell him. "We'll be able to be with each other during lunch and gym."
He nods. "Okay. Okay, fine." He turns off the car.
I rest my head on his shoulder. "You think we're gonna get in trouble for ditching in the middle of class?"
"For sure."

After History, which was the period after, was break time. The test was easy for me, only because I'm smart when it comes to knowing history.
As I'm putting books away in my locker, Billy comes up from behind me and snakes his arms around my waist.
"I've been meaning to ask you something," Billy mutters before kissing my neck.
"Oh yeah?" I giggle, then turn around to face him. "What is it?"
He grins down at me. "Okay, so, it's not my idea, which is why it's so stupid. But Susan, Max's mom, wants you to come over tonight for dinner. To get to know her and my dad."
"Oh," I say. "Did she say to bring Collin and Charlie?"
"Huh? No." He says. "One step at a time, yeah?"
I laugh. "Yeah, you're right. It would be a blood bath if they were coming."
"So is that a yes?" He asks. "It's going to be dreadful, I know, but..."
"Of course I will." I smile. "What time?"
"Be ready by six," Billy says. "I'll pick you up then."
"Perfect," I grin. "I'm really nervous, now."
"That makes two of us," he mutters and pulls me close to him.

During gym Jonathan and I play our usual two people game of basketball while Billy plays a hardcore game of basketball with Steve and a bunch of other guys.
"I don't think I've ever seen Billy in a good mood." Jonathan says. "You work miracles."
I laugh. "Yeah? That's good. Remember how explosive he used to be?"
"Oh yea. The memory of him chucking a basketball at my head is very vivid."
I snort. "Same here. Good times, huh?"
"Nah, not really." Jonathan laughs.

I smooth down the yellow dress that sits on my body. It's simple but cute. It has a high neckline and sleeves. It goes a little past the middle of my thighs. It's the perfect dress to convince your boyfriends father that you aren't a slut, right?
I curl my hair and then brush my teeth. It's six o'clock. He should be here any minute now.
I slip on white heels and grab my purse. Not a second later, the doorbell rings.
"Bye!" I call to Collin, grab the flowers that I got for Susan, and then open the door to be met with Billy. He's wearing the same thing that he was wearing earlier; a button down shirt, jeans, and his usual leather jacket.
"Am I over dressed or something?" I ask. "Because you're just..."
"No, you're perfectly fine. You look... amazing. And you got flowers?"
"Thank you, and yes, for Susan." I grin. "Let's go, yea?"
"Or... we could ditch the dinner and go see a movie instead?" He says in a questioning tone.
"And then your parents would think I'm rude, so let's not do that." I chuckle. "Tomorrow, we can."
He groans. "This is the most dreadful thing ever."
"It'll he fine, Billy."
He drives us there and in no time we're walking up to his house.
This night could go two ways, I think to myself. With everything going smoothly or a fight breaking loose.
Billy opens the door and we step inside together.
I nervously hold the flowers against my chest as Billy shuts the door behind us.
With his hand around my waist, he guides me into the kitchen where Susan is just finishing up the dinner.
She smiles when she sees me. "Hello! Thanks for coming, sweetheart!"
She comes over and gives me a hug.
"Thank you for having me," I say. When she pulls away I hand her the flowers. "I got these for you." I shyly smile.
"They're beautiful, thank you! Please, come have a seat. I'm almost finished with dinner."
"Need any help, mom?" Max asks her. "Hey, Whitley."
"Hey, Max. Long time no see." I laugh.
Billy and I sit down at the dining room table.
Susan and Max set the table, and I offer to help, but they make Billy help instead.
The three of them sit down as soon as the table is set.
"Neil, honey, dinner's ready!" Susan calls.
Billy sends me a look and we listen to the dreadful footsteps entering the dining room.
"Hello, Whitley."

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