One Month Later (8)

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☑️ EDITED 7/6/19

A/N: I skipped writing the part to closing the gate because to be honest, I don't know how to put it into words lol. But basically you can infer that Whitley and Eleven closed the gate and everything is slowly going back to normal!

One Month Later

"You're all set." I turn Charlie around so he could look at himself in the mirror.
"Are you sure I'm not over dressed?" He complains. "How formal even is this dance?"
"Charlie, you're not over-dressed." Collin says from the other end of the room.
Charlie lets out a huff. "Whatever. When is Steve picking us up?"
I look down at my watch. "Any minute now."
I look at myself in the mirror. I'm wearing a short sleeved dark purple dress that flares out down to my ankles.
Steve and I are chaperoning the middle school Winter dance.
Steve honks his horn.
"Steve has been summoned." I joke to Charlie.
"What time is Harrington bringing you two home?" Collin asks, looking up from the newspaper he was reading.
"Ten o'clock." I answer. "Bye! We gotta go!"
I pull Charlie with me and we run out of the house.
"Have fun!" Collin calls after us.
I hop in the front seat and Charlie hops in the back.
Steve start to drive.
I look over at Dustin to see what he looks like in a suit.
"Woah," I grin at him. "I'm starting to wish you were my date tonight."
Dustin smiles adorably. "Does that mean I look good?"
"You look like a million bucks. Now, when we get there, you better show Max a good time." I say.
Otherwise Billy will probably have his head.
We get there in no time. Charlie goes off to find his date and Dustin meets up with the group.
Steve and I are in charge of the punch booth, while Nancy and Jonathan are in charge of god knows what.
"I feel like a proud mom," Steve tells me as he watches Dustin going up to a group of girls to ask to dance.
"Yeah, except that Lucas is dancing with Max!" I complain.
"Hey, they're my children too!"
"Dustin must be heartbroken." I ignore his last comment.
"Yeah, you'd be right." Steve draws my attention to Dustin who was now standing alone while everyone else was dancing. "He just got rejected three times."
"Three?" I repeat, utterly shocked. Middle school girls are ruthless. This isn't good.
"You got the punch under control?" I ask Steve.
"Yeah? Why? Literally no one's gotten punch for the last five minutes."
I don't reply as I dash across the room to Dustin who was crying as he sat in the bleachers.
"Hey," I smile. "Wanna dance?"
He looks up at me, wiping his tears away. "What?"
"Come on. You and I are going to dance."
I pull him to the middle of the dance floor as "Every Breath You Take" by The Police comes on the speakers.
"So you put your hands on my hips," I guide Dustin, "and I put my arms around you like this."
I wrap my arms around his neck. He's a foot away from me, making everything awkward.
"Dustin, you're going to have to get a little closer."
"Okay." He moves an inch closer.
"Closer, Dustin."
He takes another step forward, resting his hands on my hips, and looks up at me to make sure he was doing everything right. I gave him a smile of reassurance to let him know he's doing great. He grins back.
Even though I'm a high schooler, I'm the same height as him, making dancing a lot easier for the both of us. If I was taller, this would be a whole different story.
We turn to see one of the girls who rejected him glaring at me, probably jealous that she passed Dustin up someone who scored a dance with a high school girl.
"Don't worry about those girls," I tell Dustin, averting his gaze back to me. "Girls this age are stupid. But, if you give them a few years, they won't let you down."
"You think?" He grinned as we swayed to the music.
I nod, smiling back.
I glance at Mike who was leaning in for a kiss with El.
I turn to look at Lucas and Max. They were also kissing.
"Is that Billy?" Dustin's eyes shift over to the entrance.
I frown. Why would he be here?
I turn and of course, he's here, and he's staring right at me.
"I don't like him anymore, just so you know." Dustin says. "Because of what he did to Steve. Maybe you should–"
I avert my eyes back to Dustin. "Stay away from him? You're not the first person to tell me that. He's got problems, I know. But I have a feeling something is causing him to be so vicious."
"Which is why you should stay away from him." Dustin says.
"Yeah, Yeah."

The dance ends two hours later. I'm about to get in Steve's car when Billy's voice stops me.
I glance at Steve who's all ready to go.
"Just give me a second, okay?" I tell Steve.
"Whitley, he's a psychopa–" Steve says but I cut him off by closing the door and walking up to Billy.
"What are you doing here?" I ask him. He's wearing a white tank top which show how big his muscles are, paired with distressed jeans.
"Picking up the step-sister." He says. "Look... can we talk?"
"About what?" I adjust the strap of my purse on my shoulder.
"A lot."
He probably means about what he did to Steve. I haven't exactly talked to him a lot since I found out in graphic detail on how he could've killed Steve.
"Give me a second." I tell him and walk back to Steve's car.
"Go ahead and leave without me. He's going to take me home." I tell Steve.
"Are you shitting me?" He and Dustin say at the same time.
"After everything–"
"Oh my god! Just go!" I groan.
I make my way back over to Billy and a few moments later I hear a car door open and close.
"You've got to be kidding me." I say. Of course, when I turn around, Steve is walking over to us.
"Hey, you bastard. It's fucking great to see you! Kidding. Listen, I have strict orders to get her home by ten o'clock. So, I'm sure whatever you wanted to do with her can absolutely not happen right now. Thanks! Have a shitty night." Steve says with loads of sarcasm and grabs my wrist to pull me away.
"Goddammit, Steve! Let me go!" I try to pry his hand off of me.
"You heard her, Harrington. Let go." Billy growls.
"Are you fucking serious? Like you've ever given a shit about what she's asked you not to do!" Steve fires back.
"Don't make me kick your ass again, Harrington!" Billy barks.
"Shut the hell up! Both of you!" I yell, and they stop.
"I can't ever have one normal day, can I?" I slip my hand out of Steve's grasp and start walking down the sidewalk towards my house. There's no way I'm getting in a car with either of them right now. My house isn't even that far from the school.
"What the hell are you doing?" Steve calls after me.
"Walking home to my fucking house!" I shout back.

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