Dinner at the Byers' (14)

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We arrive at the Byers' house shortly later. Collin's car is parked in the driveway.
Billy parks the car and groans to himself.
"You okay?" I ask him.
"I don't want to go to this fucking dinner." He says, pinching the bridge of his nose.
I sigh and lean back against my seat. "Can you just go? For me?"
He glances at me with an annoyed expression. "I'm fuckin' here, aren't I?"
I raise an eyebrow. "Does that mean you're coming in, or...?
"Yeah, fine, whatever, Princess." He gets out and slams the door behind him.
I blink, shocked. I get that he's not having the best day, but could he at least cool down?
I climb out of the car and together we walk to the front door. I knock and we wait for someone to answer.
Jonathan opens the door seconds later. He looks at Billy, then to me, then back to Billy.
"What's he doing here?" Jonathan asks straight up.
"He- uh... I asked him to come with me." I answer. "Is that ok?"
Jonathan glares at me like he wants to kill me for inviting Billy. "Yeah, whatever."
I press my lips together and follow Jonathan inside with Billy behind me.
"Sorry about that," I whisper to Billy.
He nods. "Don't sweat it, Princess."
Collin and Charlie sat at the table with Will, Joyce, Nancy, and Dustin who was with his mother.
Collin stood up. He glares at me, and then Billy, sending me an 'are you kidding me?' look.
"Merry Christmas everyone!" I chirp, trying to relieve the awkwardness.
"Whitley! Merry Christmas! Come sit!" Joyce smiles as she's passing the ham around the table.
"Sorry that we're late," I say and pull Billy with me to the two empty chairs at the table. "Everyone, this is Billy."
"Oh, we know." Dustin clears his throat. He must be talking about the Steve/Billy showdown that occurred in this very house.
I roll my eyes at him.
"Thanks for having me Ms. Byers." Billy says to Joyce surprising the heck out of me.
"Of course," smiles Joyce. "So... how do you and Whitley know each other?"
I begin eating. "We have the same class together."
"Billy, you're new here, right?" Collin speaks up.
"Yes sir, I moved from California." Billy answers and sends me a glance.
"California? Why did you move to Hawkins?" Collin asks in a more aggressive tone.
"Why did you move to Hawkins?" Billy snaps back defensively.
"This is really good ham, Joyce!" I say loudly before Collin can retort.
"Yeah, it is!" Nancy agrees helping me before a possible fight breaks out.
"So great." Dustin adds. "How did you make it?"
Jonathan and I share a humored glance.
"I actually bought it pre-cooked at the grocery store. I know, not as good, but hey, I got a discount out of it." Laughs Joyce.
"It doesn't even taste store bought, Joyce." Dustin's mother smiles. "But everyone, save some room for dessert, because I made the most excellent rhubarb pie!"
"Don't take all the credit, Mom, I helped!" Says Dustin.
I quirk an eyebrow at him. "Ooh, Dustin, I didn't know that you bake."
"What can I say? I'm a man of many talents." Dustin smugly smiles.

After the almost fight, dinner went okay. The pie was good, but Collin and Charlie glared at Billy the entire dinner.
"You wanna go somewhere?" Billy asks me as we're leaving the Byers's.
"No, she's not going anywhere with you." Collin steps behind me.
I turn around and glare at Collin. "Collin, chill out. You're the one who started that fight."
"I was just asking him questions." Collin says, clearly lying.
Billy let's put an amused chuckle. "We all know that you're trying to paint me as some villain so I can't date your sister."
Collin folds his arms across his chest. "I don't need to paint you as one. I already know you're the worst possible guy she could be with. You made her skip school, what else are you gonna make her do?"
"Collin, chill out!" I say. "He didn't make me skip school. I- I made him skip school."
That's a complete lie.
Billy sends me a confused look.
"I- Whatever, Whitley. You're coming home. Now."
Collin orders.
"I'm sorry?"
I shake my head. "I won't, because neither I or Billy did anything wrong tonight. Now, I'll be home before 11:30. Bye." I pull Billy to his car, leaving Collin speechless.

"Is this our new hangout now?" Billy asks, smirking.
We sat on the hood of his car looking over the frozen quarry.
"Yeah. I guess it is." I smile at him.
"You know," Billy says still smirking. "I hear there's a lake in Hawkins, called lovers lake."
I laugh. "Is that so?"
He chuckles. "Yeah, it is."
"I didn't know you were a romantic, Hargrove." I tease.
He snorts. "I'm not. You're the only girl I've ever..." He pauses for a moment. "...Connected with."
I laugh. "Really? Well, you're my first kiss."
"You've definitely already made that apparent." Billy chuckles. "Anyways, you... and I... look, I like you, Whitley, which I can't believe I'm even admitting right now because now I feel like a softie."
I giggle.
"We should give this... us... a try. Yeah?" He gazes into my eyes.
I grin. "Yes. Yes. But Billy?"
"Yes, baby?"
I find myself smiling but also rolling my eyes at his pet name.
"I'm over you spontaneously getting angry over nothing. Okay? That's got to stop."
"I'm working on it. For you, Whit."

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