Back to January (15)

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I tie my blond hair up to a medium ponytail. It's January 7th, the day we get back from Winter break.
I'm taking the phrase 'new year, new year' quite seriously. I'm going to start dressing less like a slob and more like I know what I'm doing.
I pull Billy's oversized Led Zepplin t-shirt on followed by mom jeans, and then finally a leather jacket.
For makeup I lightly fill in my brows and then curl my lashes and apply mascara.
I stare back at my reflection in the mirror. I look... kind of badass.
I slip on my white sneakers and my book bag and go to the kitchen where breakfast is waiting.
Collin raises his eyebrows when I walk in. "Um, good morning. I didn't know you like Led Zepplin."
I nod. "Yea. I do."
After I eat a bowl of cereal I brush my teeth.
I hear a car loudly approach our house and stop, then a loud honk.
I pull my book bag over my shoulder and walk out to the front to see who was there.
To my surprise, Billy's blue camero sat parked in front of my house. Max was in the backseat and Billy had a smirk on his lips.
"What are you doing here?" I ask Billy. "And hey, Max."
She jokingly waves.
"Taking you to school. I hear boyfriends do that." He says.
"Wait, you're dating now?" Max asks from the back, clearly shocked.
Billy sends her a glare. "Shut it, Max."
"Chill out, Billy." I say. "And yeah, we are. Anyways, if you're taking me to school Charlie has to come with us, too."
Billy nods. "Go grab the little shit."
I roll my eyes. Billy's had an opinion about my little brother ever since Charlie gave him attitude when he found Billy in my room on Christmas morning.
"Charlie, let's go. Billy's driving us." I order Charlie who sat in the kitchen.
"I'm not going with–" He starts to say.
"Oh yes you are." I cut him off and drag him out of the house with me. "Bye, Collin!"
Collin raises an un-approving eyebrow. Ever since Christmas dinner at Jonathan's, he's been silent about his opinions on Billy, but he still makes faces. I know he hates Billy, but he knows that I like him so he doesn't say anything. I'm appreciative of that, at least.
Charlie flashes Billy the middle finger before climbing into the back seat next to Max.
Billy glares at him. "Don't make me kick your ass, Chucky."
"It's Charlie!" Charlie folds his arms over his chest.
Billy laughs. "I don't give a shit."
"Very mature, both of you!" I exclaim and Billy starts the drive to school.
"Right?" Max mutters.
"You look fucking hot, by the way. In my shirt." Billy mutters to me as he drives. "You look bad-ass."
I smile. "Thank you. I think that's what I was going for."
Shortly after we arrive to school with Billy flooring it through the parking lot and nearly running over five kids.
I get out of the car and wave to Charlie and Max before meeting Billy on the other side of his car.
I take his hand. "Are you excited?"
"For school? Hell no."
"Well, its is the last few months of your senior year." I say,
"Yay me," he mutters and together we start walking into the school.
It feels like everyone is watching us when we walk through the hallways to our lockers.
We walk to my locker and pull out my textbooks for the day. I turn around to face Billy. "Don't you also need your textbooks?"
He shakes his head. "I lost them."
I raise an eyebrow. "Okay then, remind me not to trust you with any of my things, then." I shut my locker close. He chuckles. "Fine."
Hand-in-hand we walk to our first class that we have together; English.

English goes smoothly. We talk the entire period about random things.
Billy walks me to math after, and after math is History, and then after history is biology, and after biology is lunch.
After grabbing my lunch tray of food I walk to the usual table where Jonathan waits with his tray of food.
"Hey!" I chirp and sit across from him.
"Hey," He smiles.
Nancy joins us seconds later and sits next to Jonathan.
"So, just so you know, the entire school is talking about you and Billy right now." Says Nancy. "And cute outfit!"
"What are they saying?" I ask.
"I can tell you," Steve sits right next to me. "That you two are holding hands and crap in the hallways, which means you're together. Seriously, Whitley? After the whole... thing?"
I groan. "Steve, you don't know him like I do."
"I don't need to, Whit. He's an asshole!" Steve retorts.
I groan.
"Does he know even know about your powers?" Steve asks.
Nancy, Jonathan, and I all whip our heads to look at Steve. "Steve! Shut up!"
"Don't talk about it out loud!" I hiss at him.
"Why not? The lab shut down for good. And it's not like if anyone here hears what I said they'll believe it." Steve shrugs.
I roll my eyes. "The lab may be closed down, but I'm still going to keep quiet about everything until it all blows over, okay?"
Steve heaves a sigh but nods, giving in.
"But does he know?" Jonathan asks in a hushed tone.
"No," I tell the three of them. "So don't talk about all of the crazy upside down crap that's gone on while he's around, okay?"
They nod.
"It's not like I talk to him, anyways." Nancy shrugs.
Jonathan chuckles to himself. "I still can't believe you're dating Billy Hargrove." He says.
"The cliche." We say in unison and laugh.

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