Authors Note

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Hey muffins,
This is my first story so if you could be nice that would be appreciated. Constructive criticism is welcomed. I'll try to update as often as possible but this school year for me is quite busy so if I drop of the face of the planet I apologise, I'll try and warn you beforehand.

This is original work so if it reflects other stories, characters, real people or events it is coincidental

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This is original work so if it reflects other stories, characters, real people or events it is coincidental. The thoughts of my characters don't necessarily reflect mine.

This will not have any smut so if that was what you were looking for sorry.

The writing will probably be really bad to start with but it will hopefully improve throughout the book and the chapter length will also get longer throughout the story.

Peace Muffins ✌️

Peace Muffins ✌️

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