Part of the Plan

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It was dead silent in the blandly decorated office of Dr. Ryan Jackson, a taller, black woman with a slender shape, and her natural hair pulled back into a neat bun. Christopher and his wife, Anya, of eight years had made it a point to choose a black doctor. For the past few years, they had been searching for a doctor to help them with their marital crisis. Anya was infertile and they both yearned for a child together but the numerous tries only caused strain and pressure on their marriage. Anya refused to get a surrogate because it was against her beliefs. She gazed off at the box of tissues sitting on the coffee table, biting her lip, holding back the tears that, if started, she knew would never stop. She quickly glanced over at her husband, sitting on the far end of the couch. He sat emotionless, staring blankly. Anya wondered if that was how he really felt towards her.
"So," Dr. Jackson interrupted the silence. Christopher looked at the clock. They had only been there for five minutes but to him it felt like five years. "I sense, a large amount of tension. A lot more than last week, anything new you two would like to talk about?" She pressed the button on her pen and the ballpoint appeared, ready to spill out notes that Chris thought were pointless.
"No," Chris quickly responded, "there's nothing new."
Dr. Jackson looked over at Anya and her face told a different story. "Anya," she watched as the broken woman shook her head and grabbed a tissue, clenching it in her brown dainty palm, "what's troubling you today?"
"We um... got into it last night," she cleared her throat. Chris adjusted himself in the chair and slightly rolled his eyes as Anya began to talk. He was still annoyed by her behavior last night.
"Got into it, like an argument?" Dr. Jackson asked starting to take down notes.
Anya nodded, "over Mya, his secretary."
"I told you that you have nothing to worry about," Chris finally interjected, "I've never but so much looked at her longer than I had to."
"Then how does she know we can't have kids?!" She yelled, then looked over at the doctor, "she volunteered to be our surrogate, at OUR dinner party last night."
"Okay Mrs. Brown, calm down, take some deep breaths," Dr. Jackson spoke soothingly, " Mr. Brown, I want to hear from you."

Chris looked up from his hands. "I shouldn't have invited her. I know how she feels about Mya but I thought it would be rude to invite everyone of my employees except her. If I knew it would cause all this though, I wouldn't have done it."
Dr. Jackson nodded, scribbling thoughts while Anya sniffled and cried into a tissue before wearily speaking, "I'm not stupid. I see how she looks at you. Her body language when you come around her... and the girl is like strikingly gorgeous..."

"And so are you. I can't help if someone has a slight crush on me, I'm not being cocky it's just always going to happen. But crush or not, Mya is kick ass at what she does and I barely even see her. We communicate through intercom most of the time. There are pictures of you and me hanging all over my office. I'm always thinking about you. I don't have enough time or space to be thinking about another woman."

Anya dabbed her eyes, trying to dry up the tears but they just kept flowing and flowing. She couldn't stop them. "I need a minute, excuse me," she stood up and quickly headed to the bathroom holding her chest. She cried, grasping on to the sink with all her might and prayed that God would give her a sign to trust her husband. She wasn't a strong believer but she swore that she wouldn't miss a Sunday at church if she was given a sign. She then found herself crouched over the toilet, ridding her stomach of her breakfast and then after that everything for Anya was a blur.

Christopher sat in a chair in the corner of the room slouching, on the phone with his mother-in-law, giving her the details of her daughter's sudden hospitalization. Anya fluttered her eyes open after hearing her husband's voice. "Chris," she weakly called out for him. He stood quickly coming to her side. "Hey baby, how are you feeling?" He kissed her cheek.
"Okay, just woozy." Just in time, the doctor walked in with a clip board.
"Oh great, you're awake," he smiled. "So, we ran some tests, and you and the baby are going to be just fine, however, your blood pressure was very high, and it may have been caused by stress so we wanna keep that down. The vomiting just seems like normal morning sickness, no viruses or infections so whenever you're ready you're good to go!"

The couple stared with their mouths ajar. Words couldn't come out.

"B-baby?" Anya, stuttered out.

"Oh, I'm sorry I thought you knew, from the looks of it you're around six weeks. Congratulations," he smiled.

Christopher and Anya looked at each other, both with tears threatening to fall. "Baby.." they both cried in unison, hugging each other. All those years of pain, and crying, and failure, washing away. She clenched onto her husband for dear life, in great fear of the power of God. Was this this her sign? It had to be. She closed her eyes and thanked the man above for saving the integrity of her marriage. Christopher's heart was full and he could finally breathe again, he knew that this was all apart of the plan. The trials and struggles they've conquered throughout their marriage only strengthened them. It was all preparation for raising their child together. Growing old together. It was all necessary for them to see the importance and pain of true love.

"Maybe bringing shit up
I can't find, and they always need
A bad guy
I just laugh when I think about it
It feels like I ran out of time
And you came along, changed my life
Changed my life
And yeah, you showed me that I'm, showed me that I'm royalty
When you look at my past, I need you to understand it
Wasn't part of my plan
Wasn't part of my plan
Why you gotta go treat me like that?
Gotta be better, but you didn't like that
Wasn't part of my plan
Wasn't part of my plan"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2019 ⏰

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