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[Reina A. Simons]

What was my  first encounter with Chris Brown like?  Well, I'll tell you for sure it was one I'll never forget and I don't think he'll ever forget it either...

It was a regular day for me. It began like any other. I had my morning shake, meditated, then went out for my run before work. I didn't think much about my roommates' "hoe activities",as she likes to call it, the night before until I came back and saw a tall, muscular, brownskinned man coming from MY apartment. He walked past me and I blinked, at the peak of my annoyance.

"NICOLE!" I yelled as I stepped inside, snatching my ear buds out, "Really?"

I watched as her head full of long brown hair turned quickly revealing her face, smiling innocently. "I'm sorry, it was a one time thing, I promise it won't happen again."

"Look, I don't care about what you do. You're having fun. I just rather that it not happen in my house... we BOTH have to live here. And I don't want things to get out of hand like last time."

"Yea, you're right. I get it." She said, going to our kitchen and grabbing an apple, mumbling.

"What was that?!" I fired.

"I said: MAYBE IF YOU GOT SOME DICK YOU WOULDN'T BE SO UPTIGHT!" She fired back, moving her neck. I swear this girl thinks she's black.

"Honestly, Nikki, whatever. Unlike you, I don't need dick to be sane. I have my crystals and meditation. You should try it. You could use some cleansing."

Nicole crossed her arms and scoffed. "I'll have you know, I cleanse myself twice a day. Yes I bang a lot but my kitty is VERY clean!"

"Yea, whatever." I rolled my eyes and walked into my bathroom to shower off before work. Nicole always uses my sex life against me. According to her, I'm uptight, and angry because I dropped sex out of my life altogether. Truth is, I've never felt so free. I
don't need a man to reach sexual heights especially because I'm particular with partners anyway. It's one thing to make love to my body but I need someone who can make love to my mind also. She'd never understand. I'm not judgemental of Nicole but she's far from woke so I wouldn't even expect her to. Besides, my body is a temple. Guarded and kept neat and clean. Hers is just as ran through as an apartment building. Hosts different people at the same time and others come and go like clock work.

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