Chapter 8

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  The Werewolves

Chapter Summary
A kind that has been hidden. Abandoned. Finally, they have been found.

An unholy night swathed the group as they were barricaded by an even worse type of corrupted monstrosity.

Divinity clenched his fists as he felt bloodlust tie a knot in his stomach. Heartbeats thumped around him, and it sounded like sticks being slapped against drums. He felt every pulse, every blood dancing and singing in their veins.

Then, his amplified hearing caused the pounding of distant footsteps to become louder as the group lunged forward to attack.

Every noise, even the slightest decibel rang in his ear.

The group lurched for the corrupted wolves, steeling themselves. Fright drained away, determination filled them to the brim.

Asha quickly submerged herself into intense combat, slashing her blade at a corrupted wolf. She cleaved a head off with ease, a satisfied smile spread across her face.

While, Doctor Leandro effortlessly shot bolt after bolt at the heads of an army of corrupted monsters. He leveled a crossbow at another, and without mercy, he pulled the trigger, causing the bolt to slide off and soar through the chest of a sprinting corrupted wolf.

"Mess with us, and you'll be down in seconds," He smirked as he immersed himself into a melee combat with another, then the next. It was an endless tsunami of foes wanting to terminate the group from existence.

Snowdust pricked her finger with the tip of her dagger's blade. "So not new to this," She mumbled. "Went through worse, and I'm still standing tall," She said to herself as adrenaline kicked her with energy.

She drove her dagger up and plunged it into the chest of the corrupted wolf. A corrupted wolf ran from behind her and without any second wasted, she evaded it. It stumbled over the motionless body of a corrupted wolf, it bellowed with rage.

The merciless battle of the eve continued.

Snowdust remembered what her mother taught her.

Always stun them, do NOT hesitate. Her words played in her head as she ran towards the corrupted wolf, in the verge of tears, then brutally jabbed a heel against its spine. The corrupted wolf screeched before dropping, paralysed. Snowdust quickly yanked out the dagger buried to a chest then thrusted it into the skull of another corrupted wolf.

The battle climaxed around her.

Divinity and Sabrina fought alongside each other, using their powers to their advantage.

Ice and fire.

Divinity jumped up before his palms blasted red light against a dozen corrupted wolves, blinding them. The red light that assailed them transformed them into screaming ashes flying away from the face of the world.

Sabrina combined both powerless and icy combat against her foes. One second, she punched, and then another, until her fist packed with ice and stabbed it deep into the corrupted wolf's chest.

The corrupted wolf wailed in great pain. Sabrina tugged her arm out before repeatedly plunging it into its chest.

Divinity jerked his head up, his attention drifting from the fight and at the shadows incoming from the mist. They halted as they exited the fog, leveling their long bows at the corrupted wolves.

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