Chapter 4

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The Celebration

Chapter Summary
Allied dens come to visit Priyanka and bestow their gifts.

Sabrina sat down on her chair as Lisa worked on her hair, braiding big strands. "Are you excited to meet The Agnes Den? I heard there's a prince suitable for you." Sabrina asked her sister, a smirk curling the corners of her lip.

Snowdust, who sat on the edge of the mattress, jumped up to her feet, and briskly walked towards Sabrina and Lisa with a wide smile. "Yes. I remember when I met your father because of a meeting. His family came to our den. Then, you know, our love story blossomed," She stared blankly at the wall, a dreamy expression filled her face.

"Ah, that's the life, mom," She held a hand up. Snowdust clapped her palm against her daughter's with a smile lingering upon her lips. "Lisa, it's your turn to meet a handsome Prince."

Lisa rolled her eyes, but failed to control her smile from showing. "Maybe..." Then, she took two steps backwards to admire her braided work. "There, I'm done. Now I'm gonna add finishing touches," Lisa took a bowl containing freshly plucked petals then embellished Sabrina's hair.

Snowdust watched her daughter work, proud at her skills. "Lisa, you and I should style each other's hair. I love buns and you love braids."

Lisa chuckled as she emblazoned Sabrina's hair with the few remaining petals in the bowl. "Of course." Afterwards, Sabrina rose up to her feet and spun around for Snowdust and Lisa to adore her look.

Snowdust sniffed the air. She exhaled deeply with satisfaction, her nose pleased with the aroma. "The plumeria petals are an excellent finish. They also smell good," She inhaled the fragrance of plumeria petals again. "That scent never gets old."

Sabrina looked at her reflection in the mirror and loved the plumeria petals adorning her interweaved strands of hair. Her hazel brown eyes stared back at her while a grin broke across her lips. She too liked the scent of the petals. Filled with excitement, she seized the arms of her mother and sister then rushed them outside her bedroom with her.

"Woah!" Snowdust was surprised by Sabrina's abrupt grip on her arm, as well as Lisa but she stifled her reaction. "Slow down, dear. What's the hurry about?"

They all halted near a window, abundant sunlight trickling over the hallway. Sabrina flashed a sheepish grin at both of them, "Sorry, got too excited," Her blood was coursing with positive anticipation.

"That's good dear though there's no need to rush things. I'll just finish up some matters before attending the ceremony. I will make sure that I'd be there next to you as the two dens enter through the gates." Snowdust promised before heading off, and disappearing around a corner.

Lisa bounced up and down excitedly. "Come on, we gotta be there by the entrance." She said then dragged Sabrina down a couple of halls before they left the palace and stood still on the entrance area.

Outside, Divinity, and Stella waited. They turned around to doors flying open, Divinity's lips caught a smile as he examined Sabrina from head to toe. "You look wonderful," He complimented. Lisa playfully nudged her sister's rib with a smirk on her face.

"And you look dashing," Sabrina smiled then pulled Divinity close for a kiss. She cupped his warm cheek, tilting her head, her eyes sparkling as it peered through his. "I love you, Div." She said.

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